anyway, the last bit from my notes, is a bit more personal:
I’ve always been harping, for years, on how #OCaml and #JavaScript VMs are just such a surprisingly-fantastic, low-impedance match (see the whole #Melange, #BuckleScript, #ReScript, category — they're _fantastic_ to use in practice); …
but now i’m learning that Wasm is … basically OCaml’s semantics, EVEN MORE DIRECTLY, in a bunch of cases, lmao.
#ocaml #javascript #melange #bucklescript #rescript
@musicmatze If you like Rust and you're thinking of using a JS-compiling language, you might have a look at #ReScript. It's a functional language with good pattern matching syntax, very similar to Rust.
ReScript 10.1: Async/await & better Promise support, JSX v4, and more #rescript #react #js
I think that #TypeScript is going to herald a great new era of different languages targeting JavaScript as a transpile target. I loved #ReasonML, but the rift into #ReScript seems to have basically killed it. But perhaps more than anything, I am hoping that the normalization of the transpile process will accelerate acceptance and growth of #WebAssembly. We're already not writing real JavaScript.
#typescript #reasonml #rescript #webassembly
I think that #TypeScript is going to herald a great new era of different languages targeting JavaScript as a transpile target. I loved #ReasonML, but the rift into #ReScript seems to have basically killed it. But perhaps more than anything, I am hoping that the normalization of the transpile process will accelerate acceptance and growth of #WebAssembly. We're already not writing real JavaScript.
#typescript #reasonml #rescript #webassembly
I'm surprised at how little activity there is on the #rescript tag even relative to other small languages like Idris.
More of you should try #ReScript! It's a delightful little #javascript-compiling #functional #OCaml for those of us who like C-like visible delimiting characters!
#OCaml #functional #JavaScript #rescript
Howdy,! I'm not new to mastodon, but I'm migrating from another server.
I'm a #python #dataEngineer professionally, but as a hobbyist I'm a #functionalProgrammer in #elm #rescript #scala.
I write tutorials on those subjects on and (RSS feed link at the bottom if you would like.)
#Scala #rescript #elm #functionalProgrammer #dataengineer #Python #introduction