#bleptember Brooks baby in two flavours: rollup blep and micro blep #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon #rescuedogsofmastodon
#bleptember #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon #rescuedogsofmastodon
They had a dog swim at one of the outdoor pools in town to close out the season and we got Brooks in! Look how wet! #dogsofmastodon #rescuedogsofmastodon
#dogsofmastodon #rescuedogsofmastodon
Just one problem, Leo buddy...
I can't reach my desk now.
#DogsofMastodon #AkitasofMastodon #Leo #AkitaInu #FosterFailure #RescueDogsofMastodon
#rescuedogsofmastodon #fosterfailure #akitainu #Leo #akitasofmastodon #dogsofmastodon
Chipwich and Chorizo #dogsnamedforfoods #rescuedogsofmastodon #ittybittypittycommittee #fromthehomeofficw
#dogsnamedforfoods #rescuedogsofmastodon #ittybittypittycommittee #fromthehomeofficw
Meanwhile, the latest dog into the rescue (brought up from Mexico I'm told) is still very shy (first time I met him), and huddled in the furthest corner of his kennel. He did eventually eat the cheese treats I tossed at him, but only when I was out of sight.
The cheese disappearing is the only proof I have of him moving while I was there.
#rescuedogs #rescuedogsofmastodon
When you realize you were the good boy all along ✨
#dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #Hundeliebe #mastodogs #goodboy #rescuedog #rescuedogsofmastodon #Hunde #Mastodonrudel
#dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #hundeliebe #mastodogs #goodboy #rescuedog #rescuedogsofmastodon #hunde #Mastodonrudel
Today is the 8th anniversary of Barkley's "Gotcha Day." We celebrated tonight with a trip to the ice cream shop for a pup cup. #rescuedog #rescuedogsofmastodon
#rescuedog #rescuedogsofmastodon
Franklin the Pitt Bull, in two photos--the day he joined the rescue at 8 months old, skin and bones. The second photo is a few days ago as a 4-year-old happy boy. (He was adopted by the rescue's Chairperson---my wife!)
#wingsoffreedomanimalrescue #rescuedogsofmastodon #franklinthepittbull
#RescueDogs #RescueDogsOfMastodon #FosterDogs #FosteringSavesLives #WOFAR
Sunshine, aka Sunny, had her spay yesterday and is 'chillin' in the sun with her housemates. She is a "wobble dog" meaning she has tremors and appears very bouncy when alert. She's very sweet, and her one litter mate who had it, has stopped any 90% of it.
#rescuedogs #rescuedogsofmastodon #fosterdogs #fosteringsaveslives #wofar
#DogsOfMastodon #RescueDogsOfMastodon #Sunny #Zoomies #TiredDogsAreGoodDogs
A short clip of our new foster puppy, Sunny. She is a wobble puppy, no reason found for her bouncy wobble, her sibling had it, but it stopped. Maybe hers will too. The bulldog who doesnt care about her playing is Nettie.
#dogsofmastodon #rescuedogsofmastodon #sunny #zoomies #tireddogsaregooddogs
#RescueDogsOfMastodon #WOFAR #FosteringSavesLives #Wobbles #Sunshine
Meet Sunshine, our new foster. Her amd her siblings are "wobble dogs." She was onevof ninesiblings, and arbiter rescue took the 7 who didn't have this odd thing. We took the two that did, because THAT'S what we do.
Her brothers wobble has stopped, mostly, and doc's think once she is spayed, her wobbling will cease as well. Evidently, its not neurological. Strange, right?
She's settling in, not a fan of collar, but the harness works great, happy to follow with encouragement.
#rescuedogsofmastodon #wofar #fosteringsaveslives #wobbles #sunshine
#RescueDogs #RescueDogsOfMastodon #PittbullsOfMastodon #PerfectlyImperfect
This is our rescue, Franklin. He is mixed breed bully boy. He was born with his elbows fused, so he's a full time low rider in the front! He knows no different, can run and climb stairs in his own way. Very fast over short distances, like his owner! He is four. Found at 4 months in the side of a rural GA road.
#rescuedogs #rescuedogsofmastodon #pittbullsofmastodon #perfectlyimperfect
🎶You’re nobunny till somebunny loves you!!! #HoppyEaster ! #RescueDog #RescueDogsOfMastodon #HappyEaster #EasterBunniesOfMastodon
#hoppyeaster #rescuedog #rescuedogsofmastodon #happyeaster #easterbunniesofmastodon
#RescueDogs #RescueDogsOfMastodon
#PocketPitties #PittMixes #DogsLife #SunNap
It really is a (lucky) dogs life. Too chilly to be outside. I might lay right down next to them when my chores are done!
#rescuedogs #rescuedogsofmastodon #pocketpitties #pittmixes #dogslife #sunnap
#Rescue #RescueDogsOfMastodon #WingsOfFreedomAnimalRescue
Spent the day at Dillon Stadium in Hartford working the concessions stands for our rescue. Slow day, considering it was "dollar hot dog day." But we still made about $2000 between our stipend and our tips.
$2000 buys a LOT of dog preventatives, or medical services. But on the other paw, it's only a fraction of the amount we sometimes need for an injured or neglected or beat up dog, or a mom and her puppies.
Wherever you are, if you can, please help your local rescue!
Picture for attention!
#rescue #rescuedogsofmastodon #wingsoffreedomanimalrescue
#RescueDogsOfMastodon #Pitties #SmeagolThePitt #Nope #ButWhyNotDad
Smeagol is so cute, but that stck is not going inside! He loves to run and get a thrown stick, but only twice, then he wants to bring it on my bed. Nope! Nettie joins him at the end.
#rescuedogsofmastodon #pitties #smeagolthepitt #nope #butwhynotdad
You are standing next to the "Treats are stored here" area, and you are not getting me a treat?
May I ask why?
In seconds, I will be forced to flop onto my side and play dead from starvation.
#peteypup #rescuedog #rescuedogsofmastodon
Happy #GotchaDayAnniversary to my little ray of #sunshine ! #RescueDogsOfMastodon #RescueDog #SolarPoweredPuppy
#gotchadayanniversary #sunshine #rescuedogsofmastodon #rescuedog #solarpoweredpuppy
It’s 27°F in Ewing, NJ, and feels like 18°F. Johnny says stay inside. #RescueDogsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon
#rescuedogsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon