Viewing research assessment, the academic reward system, and academic publishing through the power/knowledge lens of Foucault
#ResearchAssessment #ScientificCommunication #TimothyDBowman
#researchassessment #scientificcommunication #timothydbowman
PCI signed DORA like 2867 other organizations, to support robust #researchassessment & healthy #scholarlypublication.
Did you know that more than 20,000 individual researchers also signed it? Discover why you should sign! | Via The Bibliomagic
#researchassessment #scholarlypublication
Tired: Impact Factors 🥱
Wired: & 🔥
#ReformingRA #ImpactFactors #Bibliometrics #ImpactFactor #JournalCitationReports #JCR #ResearchAssessment #CoARA #DORA
#ReformingRA #ImpactFactors #bibliometrics #impactfactor #journalcitationreports #jcr #researchassessment #CoARA #dora
"The risk of pitting us all against each other in some unholy research culture competition is that hyper-competition was always at the heart of so many of our unhelpful research cultures." - @lizziegadd in #WonkHE, on the increased weight given to #ResearchCulture in the UK's #REF28.
#ReformingRA #ResearchAssessment #REF2028 #HigherEd #HigherEducation #UKuniversities
#wonkhe #ResearchCulture #ref28 #ReformingRA #researchassessment #ref2028 #highered #highereducation #ukuniversities
Worth a read: An interview on #OpenAccess, #APCs and the reform of #researchassessment with Alain Schuhl (CNRS):
#openaccess #APCs #researchassessment
"Researchers are under brutal pressure to publish studies. Their salary increases, promotions, project funding and social prestige depend on evaluations in which their performance is measured practically by weight. This system — known as “publish or perish” — has created monsters."
HT @JessButler
#researchassessment #PublicationEthics #publishorperish
Open consultation by the @ALLEA e-Humanities WG on recognising innovative research outputs in the humanities. Respond by 26th July.
#OpenScience #eHumanities #ResearchAssessment
#openscience #ehumanities #researchassessment
Are university rankings true, fair, or helpful? For @lizziegadd , it is time for the higher education sector to think carefully about the effects of global university rankings. To explain why, she responds to these three questions.
Read her #EUAExpertVoices article here,-fair,-or-helpful.html?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-mastodon-26-05-2023
#university #rankings #universityrankings #ResearchAssessment #CoARA @INORMS_REG
#euaexpertvoices #university #rankings #universityrankings #researchassessment #CoARA
Take-home messages from Karen Stroobants. #UKRIOevents #ResearchCulture #ResearchAssessment #ReformingRA
#ukrioevents #ResearchCulture #researchassessment #ReformingRA
Competency-based assessment is underused in academia, notes Karen Stroobants. #UKRIOevents #ReformingRA #ResearchAssessment #ResearchCulture
#ukrioevents #ReformingRA #researchassessment #ResearchCulture
Should how research is done by captured in quantitative metrics, asks Karen Stroobants?
She refers to @lizziegadd's blog post,
#ukrioevents #ReformingRA #researchassessment
#ReformingRA has coalesced in Europe around @coarassessment notes Karen Stroobants. #UKRIOevents #ResearchAssessment
#ReformingRA #ukrioevents #researchassessment
The reaction on 🐦 to this proposal in @timeshighered to replace journals with a UK REF repository has mostly been:
How would *you* reform publishing and UK #ResearchAssessment?
#Publishing #Journals #ResearchExcellenceFramework #ResearchReform #HigherEducation #TimesHigherEducation #JournalPublishing #AcademicMastodon #ScholComm
#researchassessment #publishing #journals #researchexcellenceframework #researchreform #highereducation #timeshighereducation #JournalPublishing #AcademicMastodon #scholcomm
It seems that I will have the opportunity to speak about the links between #researchassessment and #openscience, in Stockholm, next month, at a conference associated with the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Open Science – From Policy to Practice
The event is streamed online.
#openscience #researchassessment
Universities may be motivated to a good and ethical part of the research community, but they may be constrained by government policy, university rankings, etc., says @briannosek.
We can make misconduct harder to do, focus less on papers and more on peer review, and alter incentives.
To undermine the market for #PaperMills and #PredatoryJournals,
Brian provocatively suggests a no-fee journal that will publish all submissions.
#PaperMills #predatoryjournals #PublicationEthics #researchassessment #ResearchCulture
#OpenScience isn't enough for the challenge of #PaperMills, says @briannosek. We see symptoms, but the cause is incentives: researchers must publish! However, they may lack resources, time, training, community, and institutional support.
Researchers can be intrinsically motivated to have integrity, but if they'll lose their job by being ethical then this is a big ask. We need to change how researchers earn rewards and gain resources.
#openscience #PaperMills #PublicationEthics #ResearchCulture #researchassessment
@ResearchWhisperer @lizziegadd @DrBeth This was during Lizzie's breakout session, "What role should journal publications play in research evaluation?". See, Programme, Group A.
This was largely an audience of librarians and publishers. "Excellence" has been critiqued as a concept, e.g., see, and "critical", "forward thinking", and "creative" did feature high on the list. #UKSG2023 #ResearchAssessment
"Nobody can really be expected to read a pile of papers".
Robert Kiley ponders what may replace IF and journal reputation in #ResearchAssessment. Can transparent #PeerReview help by making that appraisal visible?
#researchassessment #peerreview #uksg2023 #plans
The SCOPE evaluation matrix from INORMS focuses you on what you're evaluating and why such as in researcher recruitment, notes @lizziegadd
Quoting Alan Dix, @lizziegadd says "Metrics are rubbish... but people are (far) worse."
#PeerReview of outputs can be even more biased (on gender or field, for example) than are #Bibliometrics.
This supports the use of #ResponsibleMetrics.
#peerreview #bibliometrics #responsiblemetrics #uksg2023 #researchassessment