On 21 July at 11:30 CEST, two of our researchers will take part in an online event by the @DAAD_worldwide Tokyo office. Live on YouTube “German Studies Talk: Research & Doctoral Life at the Max Planck Institute” (in Japanese)
#japan #researchingermany #gravitationalphysics
On 21 July at 11:30 CEST, two of our researchers will take part in an online event by the @DAAD_worldwide Tokyo office. Live on YouTube “German Studies Talk: Research & Doctoral Life at the Max Planck Institute” (in Japanese)
#japan #researchingermany #gravitationalphysics
On 21 July, two of our researchers will take part in an online event by the @DAAD_worldwide Tokyo office. Live on YouTube “German Studies Talk: Research & Doctoral Life at the Max Planck Institute” (in Japanese)
#japan #researchingermany #gravitationalphysics
Die neue Folge des #Podcasts "#exzellenterklaert – #Spitzenforschung für alle” ist online! Hört direkt rein in „Chronische #Entzündungen – Woher kommen sie, können wir sie stoppen?“ https://exzellent-erklaert.podigee.io/28-chronische-entzuendungen Übrigens ein gutes Beispiel für Fach- und #Exzellenzcluster-übergreifende Forschung: Ab min 13:00 hört Ihr, wie man die Geschichte von Krankheiten erforscht - eine Schnittstelle vom Cluster #Precisionmedicine und #ClusterRoots: https://www.cluster-roots.uni-kiel.de/en/news/dangerous-pathogens-were-lurking-around-every-corner-in-an-early-medieval-settlement #wisskomm #researchingermany
#researchingermany #Wisskomm #ClusterROOTS #precisionmedicine #Exzellenzcluster #entzundungen #spitzenforschung #exzellenterklaert #podcast
Last weekend, we were exhibiting at MIT's #EuropeanCareerFair in Boston and met many interesting early #career reseachers at an additional workshop by #ResearchInGermany and #DAAD New York.
#TUBraunschweig #ECF23
#europeancareerfair #career #researchingermany #daad #tubraunschweig #ecf23
What’s next for you? Germany offers excellent conditions for your PhD studies – find out more here: ➡️ https://www.research-in-germany.org/en/your-goal/phd.html
#daad #researchingermany #changebyexchange #phd