Nightingales are great singers, but how well can they hit the tone? 🎶 Scientists from Daniela Vallentin’s group at our institute found that nightingales can imitate the pitch of whistles in real time! Read more:
#nightingale #birdsong #vocalcommunication #ornithology #birdresearch #researchnews #maxplanck #maxplanckinstitute #neuroethology #animalbehavior #behavioralneuroscience
#nightingale #birdsong #vocalcommunication #ornithology #birdresearch #researchnews #maxplanck #maxplanckinstitute #neuroethology #animalbehavior #behavioralneuroscience
Psychedelic scientist sends brains back to childhood - could ‘re-open’ critical learning periods using #psychedelics so that adults, seniors, and the disabled might be able to more effectively re-learn certain skills. Wow. This sounds like breakthrough research to me. And the principal researcher is very impressive, her credentials are top-shelf. #LDS #MDMA #neuroscience #learning #age #research #researchnews #academia
#psychedelics #lds #mdma #neuroscience #learning #age #research #researchnews #academia
Can pigeons dream? A new study suggests that pigeons might be flying in their dreams: Researchers studied sleeping pigeons and found brain activity in areas that process visual signals and information from the wings during REM sleep. Read more:
#science #sciencemastodon #scicomm #wisskomm #sciencenews #research #researchnews #pigeons #birds #sleep #dreams #maxplanck #ornithology
#science #sciencemastodon #scicomm #wisskomm #sciencenews #research #researchnews #pigeons #birds #sleep #dreams #maxplanck #ornithology
New study from the Klein department finds novel mechanism regulating eating behavior: the ‘hunger hormone’ ghrelin activates specialized neurons in the amygdala, which regulate appetite and cause the pleasure of eating. Read the paper:
#neuroscience #amygdala #brainresearch #eatingbehavior #eatingdisorders #researchnews #maxplanckinstitute
#eating #brain #wisskomm #scicomm #wissenschaftskommunikation
#neuroscience #amygdala #brainresearch #eatingbehavior #eatingdisorders #researchnews #maxplanckinstitute #eating #brain #wisskomm #scicomm #wissenschaftskommunikation
Female sex-role reversal of two coucal bird species is apparently linked to elevated testosterone levels. Male sex-role reversal, however, doesn't require low testosterone levels, as a new study by Wolfgang Goymann shows:
#MaxPlanck #MaxPlanckInstitute #ResearchNews #Birds #BirdResearch #Ornithology #AnimalBehavior #SexRoles #BirdBehavior #GenderInNature
#maxplanck #maxplanckinstitute #researchnews #birds #birdresearch #ornithology #animalbehavior #sexroles #birdbehavior #genderinnature
Compiling and storing the DNA of newborns could be a massive boon for public health. But the ethical questions are just as big.
Read experts Danya Vears
& Christopher Gyngell for 360info
Daurian redstarts take advantage of human settlements to increase their breeding success: To protect their nests against brood parasitism, they move closer to humans when cuckoos are around.
Cuckoos use an egg matching strategy to find the optimal host nest for their eggs. Their choice is based on similarity in egg color.
Watch the video to find out more about the breeding behavior of this two birds!
#science #scicomm #wisskomm #maxplanck #ornithology #birdresearch #researchnews
#science #scicomm #wisskomm #maxplanck #ornithology #birdresearch #researchnews
👁️🗨️ #ResearchNews
New research project explores impact of giving engineering students more freedom in the lab
Read it here 👉
#researchnews #researchimpact #impactacademy
I’m noticing a lot of academics, researchers, post docs, grad students, etc. coming to Mastodon. Like, wayyy more than I thought.
What motivated your decision to come to Mastodon? For me, it just felt like it was difficult to interact with multiple communities in an easier fashion. Plus, dis/- misinformation seems to be getting worse…
#ScienceMastodon #ResearchNews #gradstudent #postdoc #academia #phd #phdchat #research #scicomm #sciencecommunication #gradschool #graduatestudent #phdlife
#phdlife #graduatestudent #gradschool #sciencecommunication #scicomm #research #phdchat #phd #academia #postdoc #gradstudent #researchnews #ScienceMastodon
I am going to mirror Tweets/Toots from the lab on Mastodon as long as there is uncertainty on the future of #Twitter
Maybe we will switch entirely to Mastodon as a professional tool for #ScienceNews #ResearchNews. Time will tell...
#scitoot #cardiotoot #scitwitter #cardiotwitter #researchnews #sciencenews #Twitter