Support for increasing the size of the U.S. Supreme Court inches upward in Washington
52% of 773 likely 2024 general election voters surveyed by Public Policy Polling earlier this month said they supported increasing the size of the Court to make it a more diverse and representative body, while 40% were opposed and 8% were not sure.
#Nondiscrimination #ResearchPollFindings #U.S.SupremeCourtExpansion
#u #researchpollfindings #nondiscrimination
Sorry, local Republicans, but higher gas prices aren’t the winning issue you think they are
Republicans seem to be calculating that once Washingtonians are frustrated enough with high gas prices, public support for policies like the Climate Commitment Act will evaporate. However, our research suggests they are wrong.
#ClimateCrisis #Energy&Power #Pollution #ResearchPollFindings
#researchpollfindings #pollution #energy #climatecrisis
A plurality of special election voters in Seattle disapprove of how their schools are being run
41% of six hundred and fifty-one February 2023 special election voters interviewed by Change Research for NPI last month said they somewhat or strongly disapproved of the way the Seattle Public Schools are currently being run. 28% said they somewhat or strongly approved, and 31% were not sure.
#Curriculum #ResearchPollFindings #SchoolFunding #WA-Schools
#wa #Schoolfunding #researchpollfindings #curriculum
A majority of Washington voters agree big tech companies should have to pay for news
55% of 773 likely general election voters in Washington interviewed earlier this month said they strongly or somewhat agreed that big tech companies like Google and Facebook should be obligated to pay media publishers for news content. Only 17% somewhat or strongly disagreed, and 27% were not sure.
#researchpollfindings #futureofjournalism
A plurality of voters oppose I-2078, Larry Jensen’s measure to sabotage gun safety laws
Initiative 2078, filed in April 2023, is a right wing grassroots effort to create a giant loophole in the gun safety laws passed by the people and the Legislature for the last ten years. NPI's research shows 46% of likely 2024 voters oppose it.
#ResearchPollFindings #WA-Ballot
Maria Cantwell retains fifteen point lead over hypothetical opponent Jaime Herrera Beutler
The incumbent Democratic senator continues to enjoy a fifteen point lead over hypothetical Republican opponent Jaime Herrera Beutler, a margin unchanged from our last survey back in March.
Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in Washington by seventeen points, Ron DeSantis by twelve
DeSantis is, as of June 2023, a slightly stronger candidate than Trump for the Republicans in Washington State. In a hypothetical matchup with the ultra MAGA Florida governor, once a protege of Trump's, 51% of our respondents said they'd vote for Biden, while 39% would vote for DeSantis. 10% were not sure.
#ResearchPollFindings #US-Pres