By Sabina Leonelli
"This Element examines the role played by OS principles & practices within contemporary research & how this relates to the epistemology of science. [...] it highlights how the interpretation of openness as the sharing of resources, [...] may have the unwanted effect of constraining epistemic diversity & worsening epistemic injustice [...]
#ResearchPractice #EquityInResearch #DiversityInResearch #OpenSociety #SciencePolicy
#sciencepolicy #opensociety #diversityinresearch #equityinresearch #researchpractice
Finding bugs in C code with Multi-Level IR and VAST - Intermediate languages (IRs) are what reverse engineers and vulnerability researchers use... #researchpractice #compilers #reversing
#reversing #compilers #researchpractice
Introducing RPC Investigator - A new tool for Windows RPC research
By Aaron LeMasters
Trail of Bits is releasing ... #engineeringpractice #researchpractice #microsoftwindows
#microsoftwindows #researchpractice #engineeringpractice
CLOSING: #PhD opportunity at on #reproducibility #opendata #researchpractice #FAIRdata with our colleagues at ⬇️
#fairdata #researchpractice #OpenData #reproducibility #phd
The dangers of #PanelTitleConfusion - this panel is called Congruent Engines and isn't part of #CongruenceEngine at all! It's about *using* disparate sources, not digitally unifying sources. A snapshot of #ResearchPractice now, in the absence of a union source.
#paneltitleconfusion #congruenceengine #researchpractice
Look out! Divergent representations are everywhere! - By Andreas Kellas
Trail of Bits recently published a blog post about a signed inte... #internshipprojects #researchpractice #uncategorized #binaryninja #codeql
#codeql #binaryninja #uncategorized #researchpractice #internshipprojects
We do Windows now - At Trail of Bits, we pride ourselves on building tools that everyone can use to help impr... #researchpractice #uncategorized #pressrelease #careers #osquery
#osquery #careers #pressrelease #uncategorized #researchpractice
Secure your machine learning with Semgrep - By Suha Hussein
tl;dr: Our publicly available Semgrep ruleset now has 11 rules ded... #researchpractice #machinelearning #staticanalysis
#staticanalysis #machinelearning #researchpractice
Are blockchains decentralized? - A new Trail of Bits research report examines unintended centralities in distributed ledge... #researchpractice #pressrelease #darpa
#darpa #pressrelease #researchpractice
Themes from Real World Crypto 2022 - By William Woodruff
Last week, over 500 cryptographers from around the world gathered in ... #researchpractice #cryptography #compilers
#compilers #cryptography #researchpractice
Toward a Best-of-Both-Worlds Binary Disassembler - By Stefan Nagy
This past winter, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work f... #researchpractice #staticanalysis #reversing
#reversing #staticanalysis #researchpractice
Un-bee-lievable Performance: Fast Coverage-guided Fuzzing with Honeybee and Intel Processor Trace - By Allison Husain, UC Berkeley
Today, we are releasing an experimental coverage-guided fuzzer called... #internshipprojects #researchpractice #fuzzing
#fuzzing #researchpractice #internshipprojects
Confessions of a smart contract paper reviewer - If you’re thinking of writing a paper describing an exciting novel approach to smart contract anal... #researchpractice #blockchain #fuzzing
#fuzzing #blockchain #researchpractice
High-fidelity build instrumentation with blight - TL;DR: We’re open-sourcing a new framework, blight, for painlessly wrapping and instrumenting C and ... #researchpractice #compilers
Graphtage: A New Semantic Diffing Tool - Graphtage is a command line utility and underlying library for semantically comparing and merging tr... #researchpractice #safedocs #darpa
#darpa #safedocs #researchpractice
Announcing the 1st International Workshop on Smart Contract Analysis - At Trail of Bits we do more than just security audits: We also push the boundaries of research in ... more: #researchpractice #conferences #blockchain
#blockchain #conferences #researchpractice