🧵 1/ It's # Wednesday and you know what that means! continues at the Dept. of Archaeology, Conservation and History. I'll be at the History section again today, and in the afternoon, I will have an evaluation session w/ the Dept. leader team about my work so far! Exciting!
In the meantime, I am available for the staff, researchers, PostDocs and PhD candidates.
Let's see what today offers!


Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 3/ continues after lunch w/ my "adopted" colleagues from the section. I had a coordinating & getting-to-know meeting to set up some presentations and show-and-tell sessions for the Depts. that happens every . I offered to do short sessions on , , and during the fall. I'll use the 1678 translation of the as an example for of C17th books!

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #history #digitalmeetup #tuesday #TaDiRAH #Transkribus #tropy #tesseract #danish #ethicacomplementoria #automatedtextrecognition

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 2/ I often get asked about how to quickly search through (handwritten) archival documents. Depending on how many documents we are talking about, there certainly are quicker ways then reading them! But setting up a workflow for , aren't done quickly either! Accessible tools like can help a lot here, but they can't do magic. So: plan enough time for these tasks and don't expect 100% accuracy!

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #digitisation #automatictextrecognition #qualityassurance #Transkribus

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 1/ It's , which means at the Dept. of Archaeology, Conservation and History again! Today I will be in the History section, catching up on some questions I received via email and drafting a presentation of for an upcoming .

#wednesday #researchsupportpartnershipuio #TaDiRAH #digitalmeetup

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 3/ It's a slow day; might be due to the examinations, where teaching researchers are occupied w/ grading and guiding students. It's also hot here in Oslo, and many avoid coming to the office if they can work better at home or the cabin.
In the meantime, I am preparing my upcoming . My main focus is on drafting the for the we created from the emunch.no/welcome.xhtml

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #researchleave #dataPaper #edvardmunch #Correspondence #metadata #DigitalScholarlyEdition

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 2/ On Monday, I visited the Archeological Library ub.uio.no/english/libraries/uh. It's located off campus, in the city centre, across the street from the & covers subjects such as archaeology, conservation and Medieval art. It shares the building with and the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History with workshops for conservators.

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #culturalhistorymuseum #khm

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 2/ On Monday, I visited the Archeological Library ub.uio.no/english/libraries/uh. It's located off campus, in the city centre, across the street from the & covers subjects such as archaeology, conservation and Medieval art. It shares the building with and the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History with workshops for conservators.
I will be there "on demand" to support researchers & master students in

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #culturalhistorymuseum #khm #digitalresearchactivities

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 1/ today - and the last time before the summer. I will spend the morning in the history section of the Dept. and the afternoon in the archaeology section. And I will write about when I visited the archaeological library and the conservation section downtown, across the street from the

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #wednesday #Monday #culturalhistorymuseum #khm

Last updated 1 year ago

It's again! I sneak-started yesterday by presenting @Gephi and during the Department of Archeology, Conservation and History's . For participants to get started, I used the datasets provided by @proghist lesson Exploring and Analysing Network data with Python programminghistorian.org/en/le and then showed basic functionality & visualization possibilities in .
Let's see what else is coming in today!

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #wednesday #gephilite #digitalmeetup #gephi

Last updated 1 year ago

This week was a bit odd; it was short, and I was not in my office for two of the four days. Next week will be tightly packed w/ meetings and more outside of the : I will be at the National Library of Norway's DH Lab on Monday and at the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History on Wednesday with . There are also some news regarding and , so stay tuned!
Enjoy the weekend friends –

#friday #collaboration #universitylibrary #researchsupportpartnershipuio #DHOslo #dhnblam

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 6/ Picking up from a previous post, I recommend everyone who publishes web content as their research output has it actively web archived. You can either do this by yourself using the @internetarchive . If you are in Norway and your website is either on a .no domain or has Norwegian or Norway-related content, you can contact the nb.no/samlingen/nettarkivet/ at the Norwegian National Library and have them archive your website.

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #waybackmachine #norwegianwebarchive

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 5/ I continue my day at the section for and . I will make myself available in the break room, while hunting for coffee ;)

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #archeology #conservation

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 4/ Many researchers are not trained in data modelling and database building; however, data modelling is integral to working with any data, in my opinion. As is making a and keeping a to support documentation, memory, collaboration, and trouble shooting!

#datamanagementplan #log #researchsupportpartnershipuio

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 2/ Continuing , we had a blast linking the students' podcasts to the web exhibition! I got to teach some elementary and help navigate the University of Oslo's (no pun intended). Check out the exhibition uio.no/english/research/strate courtesy of Ulrike Spring and Janicke S. Kaasa and the "History Now" student weblog hf.uio.no/iakh/livet-rundt-stu

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #html #contentmanagementsystem #vortex #collectingnorden

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 1/ It's Wednesday, and today I will be spending the morning at the History section of the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History. I have a longer session booked w/ a researcher who worked together w/ students to create for a virtual exhibition. We will discuss how to connect different media and objects and improve accessibility, findability and re-use of the students' work.

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #podcasts

Last updated 1 year ago

Good morning! It's again, and I will be at the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History in the afternoon. There is nothing pre-booked so far, but we will have a presentation by the amazing Adela Sobotkova from Aarhus University (@adivea on BirdSite) about integrating digital research methods in BA and MA education! Looking forward!

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #tuesday

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 1/ It's Wednesday again!
Today seems to be quiet; however, a funny aspect of my support and guidance work with stuff is that I get asked quite a bit of questions. Note: I am NOT doing IT support in any regard! But what I have experienced in the many years of doing this work is that the threshold for 'Asking IT Support' is perceived as high. And probably also intimidating. I seem more approachable and am in the same workspace, so I get asked instead.

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #digital #it

Last updated 1 year ago

Even though it's not yet, continues today, too, w/ some recommendations for sending/sharing large video files w/ seminar participants. When you do this, please ensure that you have consent & are in compliance w/ your institution's rules and regulations for data classification and sharing. has a set of tools for sending large files. They're approved for and even if encryption is done correctly

#wednesday #researchsupportpartnershipuio #unioslo #personaldata #sensitivedate #researchdatamanagement

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 3/
is always popular but can also be frustrating. Today I helped a researcher modify their citations in a document. To add/edit page numbers & ranges, you don't manually write into the reference field in Word, but instead, click into the reference, then on "Add/Edit Citation" in the menu. This opens the Zotero bar. Here, you can click on the reference, and a small window opens where you can add/edit pages! It will sync and works like a charm!

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #zotero #msword

Last updated 2 years ago

🧵 2/
I had an interesting discussion w/ a researcher working on an overview of digital skills at the Dept. Especially how to approach such an overview. They used the five typical phases of the research process by : ACQUIRE, TRANSFORM, ANALYZE, PRESENT, SUSTAIN. I introduced them to taxonomy of digital research activities in the humanities & how this could help to classify further & sort the different digital activities. Good work!

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #theprogramminghistorian #TaDiRAH

Last updated 2 years ago