Justmaryp · @Justmaryp
105 followers · 52 posts · Server genealysis.social

For those of you not familiar with WayBack Machine at web.archive.org/ I highly reccommend. In the past I've found docs and books. I recently was contacted by another researcher about a topic that I had written about but "lost" the post in a website move. Today I was able to find the old post on the Wayback machine and repost the article on my website! mygenealogyresearch.net/the-co

#Genealogy #researchtips #burnham #hartford #windsor

Last updated 2 years ago

Duncan Yellowlees · @d_yellowlees
155 followers · 182 posts · Server mastodon.online

- Showing the detail proves you are right

This may be true for a paper or where the audience can interrogate the data the same way you did.

But in a 20 min presentation? nah

You have to cherry pick because you can’t show them everything… so they are already taking you on trust… adding more detail won’t help.

#scicomm #researchtips

Last updated 2 years ago