I posted this yesterday, but this story has a few more details. It's sad. :( I hope they can reopen as soon as possible. #MedDeli #UNCCH #ChapelHillNC #ResearchTriangle
#researchtriangle #ChapelHillNC #uncch #meddeli
Surprised to see the #ResearchTriangle make it into Food & Wine. As always, I could dispute the Durham choices, but I'll pass this time. #NC #RTP #RDU #Durham #Raleigh #ChapelHill #NorthCarolina #foodAndDrink https://www.foodandwine.com/research-triangle-north-carolina-what-to-eat-and-drink-7108205
#foodanddrink #northcarolina #chapelhill #raleigh #durham #rdu #rtp #nc #researchtriangle
This looks like a cool job opportunity for someone in the #ResearchTriangle area (or someone who wants to be) and wants to advocate for better greenway trails in the region.
I hear it’s iceberg cold in Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh, with rolling blackouts across the state to keep the power grid from breaking. Stay warm (if you can) and stay safe. Don’t let it ruin your holiday. (Pulling for Duke, Carolina, and State to win their bowl games!)
#northcarolina #researchtriangle #DukeU #UNC #NCSU #ChapelHillNC #durhamnc #raleighnc
#northcarolina #researchtriangle #dukeu #unc #ncsu #chapelhillnc #durhamnc #raleighnc
#ebooks #nealstephenson #charlesstross #robertheinlein #marktwain #jrrtolkien #dogs #autism #atheism #diet #minimalism #fatherhood #durhamnc #researchtriangle #northcarolina #uspolitics #climatechange #progressivepolitics #minecraft #legendofzelda #nintendoswitch #goweiqibaduk