This warehouse office space has been transformed by the talented and may I say accomplished artist Melanie Caple, with a stunning mural, including #flora and #birdlife.
This beauty measures 12 x 6.5 metres in size and is just amazing!
Melanie says in her Insta post; “I used colour and composition to enhance this warehouse office space.
It was a pleasure creating this mural… featuring #botanicals and #bird life of the [#Victorian] south eastern coast”.
Well, from us here from ‘The Streets of Melbourne’, we’re glad you created this masterpiece, too!!
Featured in this mural are:
#ScarlettHoneyeater pic 2 #LittlePiedCormorant pics - 1 and 4 #GlycinePeaFlowers (purple) - pics 1 and 3 #CostalBanksiaSprings - pics 2 and 4
Just awesome!
📍- Inverloch #victoria #Australia
With permission.
Insta; @melanie_caple
#femskill #fempower #urbanart #urbancanvas #femaleartist
#suburbanart #streetart #mastoart
#muralart #melbourne #narrm #murals #mural #publicart #art #victoria #Australia #resene #reseneaustralia #downunder#aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy
#flora #birdlife #botanicals #bird #victorian #scarletthoneyeater #littlepiedcormorant #glycinepeaflowers #costalbanksiasprings #victoria #australia #femskill #fempower #urbanart #urbancanvas #femaleartist #suburbanart #streetart #mastoart #muralart #melbourne #narrm #murals #mural #publicart #art #resene #reseneaustralia #downunder #makesmehappy
A little bit of #Australiana - an #Australian #bush scene on a brick wall facing a busy highway in suburban #brightonEast #Australia.
It’s a new addition to the area, which is a part of #Melbourne’s #urbancanvas project which has seen the creation and display of up to 30 new public pieces of art pop up, over the recent few months.
I’m slowly getting around to each one of them… one at a time.
This project is sponsored by #Resene, a local paint producer and supplier.
Artist; #Soleveins, aka #Veins (painted 2023).
#urbanart #urbancanvas #femaleartist
#suburbanart #streetart #mastoart
#muralart #melbourne #narrm #murals #mural #publicart #art #victoria #Australia #downunder #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy
#australiana #australian #bush #brightoneast #australia #melbourne #urbancanvas #resene #soleveins #veins #urbanart #femaleartist #suburbanart #streetart #mastoart #muralart #narrm #murals #mural #publicart #art #victoria #downunder #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy