Daniela Ovadia and I just wrote a comment for #Nature #Italy on the context and the premises of the #FRONTIERS project, that couples #research and #action to establish a program of #residencies for #science #journalists in institutions carrying out #frontier #research. Link in the comments
#nature #italy #frontiers #research #action #residencies #science #journalists #frontier
Every month, Colossal shares a selection of opportunities for artists and designers, including open calls, grants, fellowships, and residencies. Take a look at the March selections. #opencalls #residencies #grants
#grants #residencies #OpenCalls
Question for fellow working #artists & writers: Do you have studio space in your home/on your property for your work, or do you rent it elsewhere? If you rent, is it per project, or ongoing? How have you found #residencies useful in expanding/changing your work? Thanks! #writing #art #space
#artists #residencies #writing #art #space
#call for #residencies: EMBracing the Ocean: Artist Residency Programme https://www.marineboard.eu/emb-artist-residence-programme Deadline: Today!
Meet the Canadian-born doctors who can't work in Canada | CBC News https://bit.ly/415X6xC #Doctors #Residencies #Education #DoctorShortage #MedicalSchool #CaRMS #cdnpoli @cdnpoli
#doctors #residencies #education #DoctorShortage #medicalschool #carms #cdnpoli
#EM applications dropped 21% this year, and Thomas Cook, MD, writes that it is incredible that health care institutions still plan to open new #residencies. #EMmatch #2023match http://bit.ly/3wKkTF9
#em #residencies #emmatch #2023match
#writers #artists & other #creatives who have done #residencies :
What was your favorite part of it?
How did it support/help your work beyond your residency term?
What was your least favorite?
After several years of not doing residencies, I'm starting up again, and curious as to other experiences. Thank you!
#writers #artists #creatives #residencies
Every month, Colossal shares a selection of opportunities for artists and designers, including open calls, #grants, fellowships, and #residencies. Check out February's list: https://links.colossal.art/feb-2023-opportunities
Not going to be toooo long now before we advertise some funded #residencies in #Cornwall (£1-2k fee for 1-4 weeks, full or part time, in person or remote). Get your thinking hats on for ideas around microbial social lives, microbiomes, mining, crop health, soil... two hosts confirmed (clay mine and community arts venue), one to go (hopefully a farm). Proper happy work this.
(1/6) #Residencies give artists access to flagship institutions of #science and the communities working there. They fuel an exchange of research questions, an acquaintance with different methods, and an openness to unfamiliar perspectives - they bring people from different countries, cultures, and disciplines together and into conversations with each other. Today we would like to show you the inspiring results of such residencies with some best practice examples... #art #technology
#residencies #science #art #technology
There is a very exciting creative research residency opportunity for a contemporary visual artist on offer by Umbrella Studio and James Cook University.
#VisualArts #Residencies #Townsville #NorthQueensland #artsAUresidencies
#visualarts #residencies #townsville #NorthQueensland #artsAUresidencies
Adele is proof of how Las Vegas changed the meaning of residencies
#Adele #Vegas #residencies
Check out mur.at current call for #residencies and a #worksession in Graz and online. Topic: "(Un)sustainable?" http://mur.at/post/opencall-air22 ! Deadline January 31st.