Screws and Views, Always in the News! Check out this retro TV episode review of "Resident Alien" s02e13 - "Harry, a Parent." It's got Native cousins, skiing qualifiers, and surprising guest stars! ( #TVReview #RetroTV #ResidentAlien
#tvreview #retrotv #residentalien
Check out this retro TV episode of "Resident Alien"! There's laughs, a murder mystery, and special guest star Linda Hamilton. Watt a Wonderful World! #RetroTV #ResidentAlien
Steely Glamour, No Stammer! Check out this retro TV episode of "Resident Alien" that blends humor and drama in the most alien-tastic way. It's got a stellar ensemble and a plot that'll keep you on the edge of your steampunk seat. đ˝ #RetroTV #ResidentAlien (
Check out this retro TV episode post on "Resident Alien"! The show's back on track with plot developments and character growth. Don't miss the quirky comedy and fantastic performances. Cosmic Dancer Meets Electric Prancer! ( #TV #Retro #ResidentAlien
Mechanical Marvels, Cinematic Carvels! Check out this retro TV episode of "Resident Alien." It's got twists, character development subplots, and a big finale reveal. Plus, there are only four episodes left, so things are heating up! Can't wait to see how it all ends. #TV #Retro #ResidentAlien
Okay #TheMagicians musical episode is legit. Itâs Shannon Kohli directibg. She did some good #ResidentAlien too
1st time doing a #FollowFriday post. Prompted by shout-out from @slanderoid in their post!
@slanderoid Paying it forward đ
@bluecat Tech person/draws nice art
@kathimmel really like her art style
@alicewetterlund #D'Arcy from #ResidentAlien amongst other things
@boardgamebreakdown Always posting new and interesting #BoardGames
@PlaystationPixy Game fanatic!
@multiverseofbadness Comic book and #horror fan. #Podcaster too!
@ferralynriver New user with an interest in #cosplay and #nsfw stuff
#NSFW #cosplay #podcaster #horror #BoardGames #residentalien #d #FollowFriday
If you want to understand how Ron DeSantis' sociopathy works, just think Alan Tudyk's character in #ResidentAlien
#desantis #Ronda #lilpuddin #residentalien
Seven #tv series to know me, which I've watched multiple times:
Planned rewatches:
#tv #ourflagmeansdeath #andor #madmen #weareladyparts #onemississippi #arresteddevelopment #residentalien #thelastofus #reservationdogs #imaydestroyyou #msmarvel
I'm curious if there are fellow #ActuallyAutistic and other neurodivergent folks here who have been watching Alan Tudyk's TV show #ResidentAlien. The alien-trying-to-blend-on-Earth setup seems purpose-built for us, and Tudyk's performance reads to me as autistic-coded, but I've been told there's no autistic representation in the writers room. That makes me wonder if the coding is deliberate or just a circumstance that fits the premise.
#actuallyautistic #residentalien
He estado viendo #ResidentAlien y me ha hecho reĂr. Agunos capĂtulos mĂĄs que otros (igual el alcohol puede haber potenciado algunos chistes).
Es una serie del canal SYFY que por acĂĄ se encuentra en Star+.
Me acordĂŠ de @ElDiabloRoboc y su "miedo" de la IA en medicina, bueno acĂĄ tenemos a un alien que se hace pasar por doctor buscando info en internet con casos de ĂŠxito.
DVD, Blu-ray, 4K Ultra, & Digital Releases â January 31, 2023: BONES AND ALL, BERGMAN ISLAND, RESIDENT ALIEN: Season 2, & More
#FilmBook #HomeEntertainmentNews #AliceDarling #BonesandAll #DawnoftheDead #EventHorizon #G.I.Joe:Retaliation #HomeEntertainmentNews #Horror #InfinityPool #ResidentAlien #ScienceFiction #Syfy #TheCriterionCollection #TheItalianJob #
#filmbook #homeentertainmentnews #alicedarling #bonesandall #dawnofthedead #eventhorizon #g #horror #infinitypool #residentalien #sciencefiction #syfy #thecriterioncollection #theitalianjob
Does anyone know if Alan Tudyk is on Mastodon? I'm a fan and I miss reading him on the birdsite. #residentalien #firefly #AlanTudyk
#residentalien #firefly #alantudyk
After retaining only a fraction of the #ResidentAlien audience, finishing the season with just around 200,000 viewers, #Syfy has cancelled #AstridAndLillySaveTheWorld after a single season.
#residentalien #syfy #astridandlillysavetheworld
Started on the second half of season 2 of #ResidentAlien tonight. It's been recorded for a while but we do tend to get behind in our series-watching. This is such a good #SciFi series that's mostly flown under the radar over here; a real shame. Gloriously dark humour and a fantastic cast of characters.
@georgetakei And you are the evil Gray alien in #ResidentAlien No offense, but I hope Asta and Harry kick your character's ass next season.
Fun day yesterday running into my big brother Gray Farmer and his lovely Linda. #ReservationDogs #ResidentAlien #SmokeSignals #TheEnglish #Deadman
#ReservationDogs #residentalien #smokesignals #theenglish #deadman
I would pay real money for a book of the impersonating-humans advice panels from the Resident Alien opening credits.