Ugh ok, this is enough of this.
It has all the same problems as the original: fixed perspective, weird room breaks with changing camera angles, agonizingly slow room transitions, limited aiming ability.
Like, I just got killed by one of the mutant dogs because it was attacking me from offscreen at the corridor break, but I couldn't get it into view because it would just knock me back off the screen again. I'm not down for 20 hours of fighting the level designers with one hand tied behind my back. 🙄
Wow, they really don't give these STARS agents any preparation, do they
This guy has big 80s movie high school bad boy energy
He's got a tattoo, that's how you know he's a criminal
It's locked and it can't be opened :blobhyperthink:
🎶 Hello green herb, my old friend
You've come to heal me again 🎶
Probably just some guy
Also, this text has big "fear is the mind-killer" energy
If … I have already chosen to start the game, and I cannot start the game without creating "saved data", why are you even asking me this question?
Oops, I was going to continue with Resident Evil: Revelations, but it looks like I was "supposed to" play Zero between 3 and 4, so here goes
Kotaku: Tales Of Symphonia Switch Remaster Is A Major Bummer, Devs Apologize #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #bandainamcoentertainment #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #kc58dsukefujishima #residentevilzero #windowsgames #bandainamco #videogaming #videogames #nintendo #tales #lloyd #rpg #ps3
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #bandainamcoentertainment #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #kc58dsukefujishima #residentevilzero #windowsgames #bandainamco #videogaming #videogames #nintendo #tales #lloyd #rpg #ps3
Cuanto se puede odiar a un murciélago en 2 pasos:
#ResidentEvil0 #ResidentEvilZero #REZero #RE0
#residentevil0 #residentevilzero #rezero #re0 #darksiderswarmasterededition
Getting back into gaming a little. Before I get up to speed with anything new, I have unfinished business first
Cuanto odio se puede tener a un murcielago? :)
#residentevil0 #residentevilzero #rezero #re0