“Schools should come with playgrounds, not graveyards” but that’s not how it is in #Canada, not for #FirstNations anyway… Yet another #MassGrave at yet another #ResidentialSchool 💔 https://thestarphoenix.com/news/local-news/not-the-final-numbers-93-unmarked-graves-discovered-at-former-beauval-residential-school/wcm/2259d703-f50b-4426-a735-52c879b15cbb/amp/?fbclid=IwAR1E-O1f2A1KVIIJVYTvzZRaZmlpjRcsICwgYNWboNfwnjnuJOCIgKQlzdE_aem_AZhvhlAm_ygHStpb7LKv1181xHQ6cQKrYgQgKsWs3clUfz2hF1dh6k6xqu8ZSU_YXoM
#canada #firstnations #massgrave #residentialschool
The RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SCANDAL - THE TRUTH About The 2021 Mass Grave Site of Indian Children - - - - LIVE 9 pm Eastern Time
Tuesday, July 11
#indian #native #residentialschools #residentialschool #catholic #catholicschool #alberta #BC #BritishColumbia #death #disease #KevinJJohnston
#indian #native #residentialschools #residentialschool #catholic #catholicschool #alberta #bc #BritishColumbia #death #disease #kevinjjohnston
Ryerson was the architect of the Canadian residential school system. His statue got taken down in the wake of the finding of the initial unmarked graves from a residential school.
For many, many years survivors of the school system had spoken about their fellow classmates — sometimes family members — dying in the school system, in EXTREME numbers. Sometimes from abuse, sometimes neglect, sometimes illness.
Kids would be snatched from their homes, go away to school, and never return. The government and the churches covered it up.
That summer, a lot of statues of colonial heroes mysteriously fell over. There was a lot of whining as a result.
#215Children #residentialschool
My work is visiting the site of a former residential school today. June is National Indigenous Heritage Month in Canada. If you have the capacity, consider a donation to support survivors of this (on-going) genocide. www.irsss.ca #residentialschool #Indigenous #Canada #genocide #truthandreconciliation
#residentialschool #indigenous #canada #genocide #truthandreconciliation
Reminders of #Canada ’s #shameful treatment of #IndigenousPeoples were constant as Marie Clements shot parts of her sweeping #drama “Bones of Crows” at former residential school, where hundreds of suspected graves were discovered two years ago.
The #writer #director says fictional scenes depicting #abuse at a #ResidentialSchool were shot at the #KamloopsBC facility where the #Tkemlups te #Secwepemc #FirstNation said it had found 215 suspected #UnmarkedGraves in May 2021.
#canada #shameful #indigenouspeoples #drama #writer #director #abuse #residentialschool #kamloopsbc #tkemlups #secwepemc #firstnation #unmarkedgraves
Squamish Elder Sam George releases memoir on surviving St. Paul's residential school
#IndigenousPeoples #FirstNations #Kanata #Canada #ResidentialSchool #SquamishNation #SamGeorge #Tseatsultux #TheFireStillBurns #SaintPaulResidentialSchool #NorthVancouver
#indigenouspeoples #firstnations #kanata #canada #residentialschool #squamishnation #samgeorge #tseatsultux #thefirestillburns #saintpaulresidentialschool #northvancouver
Today's Thing of Beauty: #Shoe #Brantford #MohawkInstitute #ResidentialSchool #Unburied #SaveTheEvidence #Ontario #Canada #indigenous #TruthAndReconciliation #justice #Children #Remember #injustice #photography Photo by me
#Photography #injustice #remember #children #Justice #truthandreconciliation #Indigenous #Canada #ontario #savetheevidence #unburied #residentialschool #mohawkinstitute #brantford #shoe
Global News BC: 40 unmarked children’s graves found at former residential school in Sechelt B.C. https://globalnews.ca/news/9639165/40-unmarked-childrens-graves-residential-school-sechelt-bc/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Augustine'sIndianResidentialSchoolgraves #Augustine'sIndianResidentialSchool #Secheltfomerresidentialschool #shíshálhNationunmarkedgraves #BCresidentialschoolgraves #Secheltresidentialschool #CanadaResidentialSchool #ResidentialSchools #ResidentialSchool #shíshálhnation
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Augustine #secheltfomerresidentialschool #shishalhnationunmarkedgraves #bcresidentialschoolgraves #secheltresidentialschool #canadaresidentialschool #residentialschools #residentialschool #shishalhnation
Sean Carleton, an #AssistantProfessor of #history and #IndigenousStudies at the #UniversityOfManitoba , is at the former grounds of #Shingwauk #ResidentialSchool at #AlgomaUniversity today, where he delivered a #lecture on residential school #denialism as it continues to gain ground in “ #extreme #RightWing ” circles in #Canada .
#Indigenous #EveryChildMatters #RacismInCanada #fascism #bigotry #StopRacism #HumanRights #NativeKidsMatter #KKKanada #NativeRights #IndianAct
#assistantprofessor #history #indigenousstudies #universityofmanitoba #shingwauk #residentialschool #algomauniversity #lecture #denialism #extreme #rightwing #canada #indigenous #everychildmatters #racismincanada #fascism #bigotry #stopracism #humanrights #nativekidsmatter #KKKanada #nativerights #indianact
#Tkemlúps #Secwépemc #FirstNation will receive $12.5 million in #FederalFunding toward the construction of a new #HealingCentre for the community, nearly two years after suspected grave sites were discovered at a former #ResidentialSchool - leaders have announced.
A #JointStatement Thursday said the new healing house will provide #TraumaInformed programs to help the community spiritually, mentally, emotionally & physically.
#tkemlups #secwepemc #firstnation #federalfunding #healingcentre #residentialschool #jointstatement #traumainformed #indigenous #everychildmatters #britishcolumbia
An order of #RomanCatholic #priests is picking up the #legal tab for one of its own on trial for #historical #SexualAbuse at a #ResidentialSchool in #Manitoba .
Fr. Ken Thorson, #spokesperson for #Oblates of #MaryImmaculate #Lacombe said his #Ottawa based order is supplying the #DefenceFawyer for Fr. #ArthurMassé.
#Manitoba #Canada #JailPriests #TaxChurches #StopChildAbusers
#romancatholic #priests #legal #historical #sexualabuse #residentialschool #manitoba #spokesperson #oblates #maryimmaculate #lacombe #ottawa #defencefawyer #arthurmasse #canada #jailpriests #taxchurches #stopchildabusers
Some #PrivateLandowners are #refusing #access to #ResidentialSchool #survivors who are looking to perform #ceremony or #search their properties for possible #UnmarkedGraves - a #SenateCommittee heard Tuesday.
Kimberly Murray, who was #appointed by #Canadian #government to provide it with advice on how to handle possible #BurialSites told #senators about her role & #MainConcerns she says she has heard from #Indigenous communities.
#privatelandowners #refusing #access #residentialschool #survivors #ceremony #search #unmarkedgraves #senatecommittee #appointed #canadian #government #burialsites #senators #mainconcerns #indigenous #KKKanada #nativekids #everychildmatters
The director of a #film out of #BritishColumbia that tells the #story of a #ResidentialSchool #survivor says her work is part of a #ParadigmShift as the #Canadian #FilmIndustry provides more space to #Indigenous #filmmaking .
Marie Clements( #Metis ) directed Bones of Crows, which recently played at the #InternationalFilmFestival of #Ottawa ( #IFFO ) & follows the life of Aline Spears, played by actress Grace Dove.
#film #britishcolumbia #story #residentialschool #survivor #paradigmShift #canadian #filmindustry #indigenous #filmmaking #metis #internationalfilmfestival #ottawa #iffo #indigenousfilmmakers #nativefilm #canada #filmmakers
'#LearnOurWay - day of #education on Thursday, hoped to answer them.
“We really want people to know this is #difficult work,” said #ReginaIndianIndustrialSchoolCommemorativeAssociation (#RIISCA ) chair Sarah Longman.
A #cemetery with #unmarked #graves for the former #Regina Indian #ResidentialSchool in west Regina was granted #HeritageStatus by the city in 2016.'
#Saskatchewan #EveryChildMatters #Indigenous #FirstNations #Canada #genocide #IndianAct #'CanadianHistory
#learnourway #education #difficult #reginaindianindustrialschoolcommemorativeassociation #riisca #cemetery #unmarked #graves #regina #residentialschool #heritagestatus #saskatchewan #everychildmatters #indigenous #firstnations #canada #genocide #indianact
Le juge lui a dit : Il n'y a pas de corps là !
« Saw-ses est l'un des huit défenseurs de l'eau et de la terre accusés d'outrage criminel pour avoir perturbé le développement du projet d'expansion de l'oléoduc Trans Mountain (TMX) dans sa région natale. Six d'entre eux ont été condamnés à des peines de prison cette semaine, entre 28 et 32 jours.»
‘There are no bodies’: Judge’s comments shock KIRS survivor as land defenders given jail time
#native #autochtones #residentialschool #transmountain #prison #jail #Justice ⚖ #Secwépemc #TMX
by aaron hemens on Indiginews
#native #autochtones #residentialschool #transmountain #prison #jail #justice #secwepemc #tmx
#UmistaCulturalCentre was built on grounds of now demolished St. Michael's #ResidentialSchool in #AlertBay on #CormorantIsland . Owned & run by #NamgisNation on #NamgisTerritory . It houses their #potlatch #artifacts repatriated from colonizers who stole them. No photos allowed inside.
#GalentinesWeek #BCHistory #CanadasUglyHistory #EveryChildMatters #Reclaimed #NeverForget #IndianAct #BritishColumbia #BCCoast #history #Reclamation #NativeUprising #IndigenousJustice #Landback
#umistaculturalcentre #residentialschool #alertbay #cormorantisland #namgisnation #namgisterritory #potlatch #artifacts #galentinesweek #bchistory #canadasuglyhistory #everychildmatters #reclaimed #neverforget #indianact #britishcolumbia #bccoast #history #reclamation #nativeuprising #indigenousjustice #Landback
Global News BC: Chief would back excavating possible graves at B.C. residential school if elders, community want it https://globalnews.ca/news/9442680/chief-would-back-excavating-possible-graves-at-b-c-residential-school-if-elders-community-want-it/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FormerResidentialSchool #ResidentialSchoolGraves #WilliamsLakeFirstNation #ResidentialSchool #BritishColumbia #FirstNations #FirstNation #Politics
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #formerresidentialschool #residentialschoolgraves #williamslakefirstnation #residentialschool #firstnations #firstnation #politics
Global News BC: Williams Lake First Nation prepares to share probe results from residential school https://globalnews.ca/news/9435574/williams-lake-first-nation-probe-results-residential-school/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ResidentialSchoolInvestigation #WilliamsLakeFirstNation #ResidentialSchool #unmarkedgraves #Perspectives #BCIndigenous #WilliamsLake #FirstNation #Indigenous #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #residentialschoolinvestigation #williamslakefirstnation #residentialschool #unmarkedgraves #perspectives #bcindigenous #WilliamsLake #firstnation #indigenous #BC
Five had grave markers, according to the article — definitely not surprising that there should be burials at grave markers. Why would only some burials have grave markers? Did all the graves have markers once, and time destroy them? Did anyone use the cemetery, other than the #ResidentialSchool ? Who was responsible for maintenance? Was anyone responsible, after the school closed fifty years ago?
This is a story requiring much more context.
Five had grave markers, according to the article — definitely not surprising that there should be burials at grave markers. Why would only some burials have grave markers? Did all the graves have markers once, and time destroy them? Did anyone use the cemetery, other than the #ResidentialSchool ? Who was responsible for maintenance? Was anyone responsible, after the school closed fifty years ago?
This is a story requiring much more context.