Global News BC: Residential school searches: What is ground-penetrating radar? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #IndianResidentialSchools #groundpenetratingradar #ResidentialSchools #Potentialgraves #unmarkedgraves #Burialsites #Reflections #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #indianresidentialschools #groundpenetratingradar #residentialschools #potentialgraves #unmarkedgraves #burialsites #reflections #Canada
Principal message coming out of panel of Chiefs overseeing searches: the ultimate objective of finding the bodies of children who died in #residentialschools must be justice. Much discussion about taking a case to the UN to ensure the government of Canada is held accountable - including by Grand Chief of the Quebec Cree Mandy Gull-Masty #indigenous #firstnations #wearestillhere #landback
#residentialschools #indigenous #firstnations #wearestillhere #Landback
@indigenous_commentator is being targetted by hate groups for her advocacy of justice for residential school victims. Watch her video call to action and let’s help spread her content to counter the hate #firstnations #residentialschools #Landback
#firstnations #residentialschools #Landback
Check out minute 11:00, in which the Chief of the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation calls for non-indigenous people to do their part too:
"We didn't create these problems, but now if we want something done, then it is up to us to do it. Which I don't think is fair"
#firstnations #indigenous #residentialschools
#firstnations #indigenous #residentialschools
Global News BC: ‘Big step’: Williams Lake First Nation new owner of former residential school grounds #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #St.Joseph'sMissionResidentialSchool #Residentialschoolsearch #WilliamsLakeFirstNation #groundpenetratingradar #UnmarkedBurialSites #ResidentialSchools #BCFirstNations #Reconciliation #unmarkedgraves #WillieSellars #WilliamsLake #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #st #residentialschoolsearch #williamslakefirstnation #groundpenetratingradar #unmarkedburialsites #residentialschools #BCFirstNations #reconciliation #unmarkedgraves #williesellars #WilliamsLake #Canada
#Canada - 93 areas of interest found at site of former Saskatchewan residential school
>#SASKATOON — A chief in #Saskatchewan says her heart is broken after ground-penetrating radar located 93 areas of interest at the site of a former residential school. #residentialschools #indigenous #everychildmatters #firstnations #truthandreconciliation #indigenouslivesmatter #nativeamerican
#nativeamerican #indigenouslivesmatter #truthandreconciliation #firstnations #EveryChildMatters #Indigenous #residentialschools #saskatchewan #saskatoon #Canada
I had the opportunity to visit Ontario’s oldest residential school at Six Nations, Grand River. More than 90 children died while attending this prison for the innocent #residentialschools #Landback #mohawk #indigenous
#residentialschools #Landback #mohawk #indigenous
A confessed abuser will face trial in Ireland. That's nice.
When are the trials for priests who abused residential school students in Canada starting?
#cdnpoli #catholic #Christian #Christianity #christofascism #residentialschools
#residentialschools #christofascism #christianity #christian #catholic #cdnpoli
@benrowswell Hmm. Personally, I find that inscription pretty ironic, even offensive. Wasn’t it someone’s “love of God” that created this mess?
It’s good that there’s a memorial, but I’d lose the first three lines.
Hashtags for reaching, not preaching: #ResidentialSchools #TruthAndReconciliation #SurvivorStories #RespectIndigenousLives
#residentialschools #truthandreconciliation #survivorstories #respectindigenouslives
New publication on #Indigenous history and the history of #ResidentialSchools in Canada:
Crystal Gail Fraser and Jessica Dunkin, “‘This Year Book... Has Been Entirely Produced by Staff and Students’: Indigenous Youth, Indian Schooling, and Historical Production in the Northwest Territories, 1959-71,” Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de l’éducation, 2023,
#histodons #residentialschools #indigenous
#Sinéad was right. That was 1992. The last of Canada's 139 residential schools for Indigenous children closed in 1998.
Via The Decolonial Atlas
The Magdalene Laundries of Ireland and the Canadian residential schools are cousins. #ResidentialSchools #Canada #MagdaleneLaundries #Ireland
#Sinead #residentialschools #canada #magdalenelaundries #ireland
The RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SCANDAL - THE TRUTH About The 2021 Mass Grave Site of Indian Children - - - - LIVE 9 pm Eastern Time
Tuesday, July 11
#indian #native #residentialschools #residentialschool #catholic #catholicschool #alberta #BC #BritishColumbia #death #disease #KevinJJohnston
#indian #native #residentialschools #residentialschool #catholic #catholicschool #alberta #bc #BritishColumbia #death #disease #kevinjjohnston
#Indigenous & #Sikh #motorcyclists in #Manitoba made a third annual trip Saturday to #HonourChildren who died in #ResidentialSchools - as well as #survivors of the residential school system.
The rumbling motors of the bikes roared down Pembina Highway as the #EveryChildMatters ride left from Dhillon Automotive Group in #Winnipeg on Saturday morning, beginning a day-long trip across southern Manitoba.
#Multicultural #Unity #UnitedForTheChildren #Canada #Bikers4Kids
#indigenous #sikh #motorcyclists #manitoba #honourchildren #residentialschools #survivors #everychildmatters #winnipeg #multicultural #unity #unitedforthechildren #canada #bikers4kids
I am listening to the #CBC #Podcast "Kuper Island", about one of Canada's most notorious residential schools.
My naive and idealist mind wonders, if these were white kids, would organised Christian care of children maybe have been investigated much more deeply, and (I can dream!) outlawed altogether?
But no, it all just carries on.
#ResidentialSchools #KuperIsland #TrueCrime #Canada #BC #Religion #Christianity #Catholic #Attempted #Genocide #Racism #Indigenous #FirstNations #Stories #Murder
#murder #Stories #firstnations #Indigenous #Racism #genocide #attempted #catholic #christianity #Religion #BC #Canada #truecrime #kuperisland #residentialschools #Podcast #cbc
Global News BC: Residential school denialism mounts, why the search for unmarked graves needs time #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #IndianResidentialSchoolSystem #Residentialschooldenialism #IndianResidentialSchools #WilliamsLakeFirstNation #ResidentialSchools #St.Joseph'sMission #unmarkedgraves #FirstNations #Indigenous #Politics #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #indianresidentialschoolsystem #residentialschooldenialism #indianresidentialschools #williamslakefirstnation #residentialschools #st #unmarkedgraves #firstnations #indigenous #politics #Canada
Global News BC: ‘Continued genocide’: First Nations leaders disturbed by effort to dig up unmarked graves in B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #KamloopsIndianResidentialSchool #residentialschooldeniers #ResidentialSchoolSystem #TḱemlúpsteSecwépemc #UnmarkedBurialSites #215missingchildren #ResidentialSchools #BCFirstNations #Reconciliation #unmarkedgraves #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kamloopsindianresidentialschool #residentialschooldeniers #residentialschoolsystem #tḱemlupstesecwepemc #unmarkedburialsites #215missingchildren #residentialschools #BCFirstNations #reconciliation #unmarkedgraves #Canada
Let me make my opinion clear: it's wrong, a mockery of a grave matter, for Canada to declare something a genocide, then not move Heaven and Earth to punish the guilty.
I want a special prosecutor dedicated to throwing behind bars those who can be proven to have abused #FirstNations children. Is #JeanChrétien (e.g.) criminally responsible for the abuse, or for the existence of #ResidentialSchools in general? Perhaps not, but I want to hear him defend himself under oath.
#firstnations #jeanchretien #residentialschools #canpol #cdnpoli
Denier Terry Glavin on notice.
Canada should consider legal solution to fight residential school denialism: report - The Canadian Press
#reconciliation #residentialSchools #Indigenous #CanPoli
#reconciliation #residentialschools #indigenous #canpoli
Economic #system #bootstraps: #stolenland, #desecration #disposablepeople, #degradation, #patriarchy.
#system #bootstraps #stolenland #desecration #disposablepeople #degradation #patriarchy #languagehegemony #residentialschools #monopolies #whosestandards #TaxBillionaires