#Resilience can be defined as the capacity to effectively recover and adapt in the face of adversity. Resilience is the key factor that enables individuals to surmount obstacles and persist in their endeavors.
And then the tomato sauce that didn't get used this weekend gets frozen for later use.
#Resilience: Carlos Taibo, an #economist from Madrid, who defines the demands for #degrowth as “endless precise fields such as #health and %education, the rural world and #tradeunionism, #cities and #migrations.”
#sufficiency #sharing #subsidiarity
#resilience #economist #degrowth #health #tradeunionism #cities #migrations #sufficiency #sharing #subsidiarity
I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.
~ Maya Angelou
#Resilience #Education #PublicHealth #Prevention #Quotes #Trauma #Teaching @academicchatter @gamingagainstv
#resilience #education #publichealth #prevention #quotes #trauma #teaching
Grief and resilience live together.
~ Michelle Obama
@academicchatter @stopTDV @gamingagainstv #Education #Resilience #PublicHealth #Prevention
#education #resilience #publichealth #prevention
@ienvision @JoanneKlein @rspfau @beatnikprof @academicchatter @StillIRise1963
⭐ We value the Golden Rule!
But we also realize there are many things affecting us and our resilience that are not easily controlled.
External factors include biology, environment, life experiences, and available resources.
🕯️ We strive to help young people foster skills shown to make them more resilient. Our nonprofit's free resilience-building games aim to do that.
These games might even help young people become adults who also value the Golden Rule.
#resilience #publichealth #education #edtech #prevention
An excellent essay by author Jessica White on disability & resilience; the importance of inclusive emergency planning, especially in the face of climate change; & the need to read stories by people with disabilities, drawing on diverse experiences of adaptation & survival.
#Disability #InvisibleDisability #Authors #Writing #Books #ScienceFiction #SciFi #SFF #ClimateChange #Resilience
#resilience #ClimateChange #sff #SciFi #sciencefiction #Books #Writing #authors #invisibledisability #disability
"The world is getting more and more unpredictable... When the heavy weather hits, you’ve got to hunker down, share your snacks and pass around your flask, take care of one another, and find a way to enjoy the thing you must do, because the thing you wanted to do was just canceled. Again.
We’re all going to have to learn some MacGyver skills. We’re all going to have to cultivate patience and solidarity."
#corydoctorow #resilience #solidarity #climatechange
#Yesterday in my #backyard , the dew-soaked yellow leaves of Black Locust.
One feature of these early autumn days has been the extra-ordinary high dew points.Taking a camera out reasonably early of a morning unveils its treasures.
#AgroForestry #permaculture #trees #leaves #photography #NaturePhotography #resilience #September #uk #sunlight #morning #dew
#yesterday #backyard #agroforestry #permaculture #trees #leaves #photography #naturephotography #resilience #september #uk #sunlight #morning #dew
"But if you could heal a broken heart, wouldn't time be out to charm you.” This quote has always been one of my favorites.
Since we don't have this healing ability, remember that time is your ally. It teaches us that healing isn't about erasing the past; it's about learning to coexist with our scars.
Our hearts are resilient and have the power to heal and love again.
#love #healing #MentalHealth #musicquote #GNR #NovemberRain #timeheals #renewal #heartache #resilience #newbeginnings
#newbeginnings #resilience #heartache #renewal #timeheals #novemberrain #gnr #musicquote #mentalhealth #healing #love
Can Stoicism Help You During Your Toughest Moments? #Stoicism #Resilience #LifeChallenges #Philosophy #SelfImprovement
Full Video: https://youtu.be/qKRAieFKwJ4
#stoicism #resilience #lifechallenges #philosophy #selfimprovement
I have four projects to develop this fall. Two conference papers, two workshops. First up is a workshop called "Building Resilience for Difficult Truths." It's about how hard it can be to receive critical feedback from people in your community, despite the great value that such feedback can contain! In my view, the secret ingredient to being able to put your listening ears on is SAFETY. And so I will be talking about how to build safety
#vulnerability #community #resilience #workshop
Im Projekt Sovereign bin ich für die Entwicklung und Erforschung von resilienter Hardware verantwortlich.
Wer Interesse hat daran mitzuarbeiten kann sich gerne per DM melden, dann schicke ich den Link zur Stellenausschreibung, die in den nächsten Wochen kommen sollte, direkt zu.,
#security #Research #hardware #resilience
Want to be resilient? First, you need integrity. In my latest article, dive into the psychological foundations that make or break your character. #Integrity #Resilience
Spring is nature's gentle nudge, reminding us that resilience blooms from within, change is the essence of growth, and life's beauty lies in both its perfect moments and its glorious imperfections. -TheWayofTBL
#resilience #growth #beauty #imperfections #spring #Melbourne #Australia #TheWayofTBL
#resilience #growth #beauty #imperfections #spring #melbourne #australia #thewayoftbl
I was asked today: what excites you the most in #cybersecurity rn?
As I answered (podcast will come out in a few weeks), very very little within the cybersecurity industry itself excites me these days.
But a *ton* of stuff outside it excites the everliving fuck out of me — in the realms of observability, modularity, isolation, simulating distsys, visualizing daya flows and interactions, and other things that help keep systems adaptive in the face of failure (ie helps sustain #resilience).
The Traits of All Successful People #Success #Resilience #Discipline #Adaptability #StoicMinds #Stoicism
#success #resilience #discipline #adaptability #stoicminds #stoicism
Voilà Ravage de #Barjavel fini. Un peu de désuétude au début, mais qu'elle #resilience et #émotions dans la suite.
#barjavel #resilience #emotions #roman #sciencefiction #findumonde #effondrement
🌟 New Blog Alert: Meet Martin Hughes🌟
Hey #Mastodon,
Don’t miss our latest guest blog by Martin Hughes. Living with Type 1 diabetes, working demanding hours as a UPS driver, and training for his 31st marathon, Martin embodies resilience.
His mantra? “Start strong, but finish stronger.” 💪🌟
Prepare to be inspired!
👉 Read his story and how he tackles life’s challenges head-on here: http://roqueneto.com/2023/09/05/guest-author-martin-hughes/
#mastodon #resilience #type1diabetes #livebeyond #nycmarathon