Dead #trees around the world are shocking scientists. #Forests once deemed #resilient are suffering surprising die-offs. To predict the fate of the world’s #woods in the face of #climatechange, researchers need to understand how trees die. #dought #ClimateCrisis #insects #weather #heat #water
#Trees #forests #resilient #woods #climatechange #dought #ClimateCrisis #insects #weather #heat #water
Vielleicht sind die Menschen besser vorbereitet, die als Kind nicht in Watte gepackt wurden oder waren.
Die schon früh erfahren haben, dass das Leben auch ein Kampf ist.
Vielleicht sind das die Resilienteren.
#Swiss economy proved much more #resilient during #pandemic than previously thought and recovered much more strongly afterwards, notes Alessandro Bee @UBS Research PS: GDP data for 2Q2023 will not be published until next Monday, Sept. 04.
"But our ability to control fires is limited, and there is now an urgent need to build
#resilient #communities, #robust lines of #communication and
holistic #ResponsePlans [...].
This will require concrete adaptations such as equipping schools, care facilities and other critical municipal buildings with proper filtration to protect vulnerable communities from #smoke-induced #AirPollution. However, true resilience will also require building less tangible #infrastructure" [1]
#resilient #communities #robust #communication #responseplans #smoke #airpollution #infrastructure
Our final keynote of the conference week #gfoe23 in Leipzig will be special! On Thursday, 15.9.,
Lilian Busse, vice president of the #German #Environment #Agency (#UBA), will talk about “Bridging the Gap between #Science and #Policy for #Healthy and #Resilient #Ecosystems”.
#gfoe23 #german #environment #agency #uba #science #policy #healthy #resilient #ecosystems
Better Call Fallback: Designing #resilient services by @nurkiewicz
#resilient #systemarchitecture #resiliency #DesignPatterns
Information security is said to be everyone's responsibility. As social media drives false narratives, #disinformation, along with other malicous agendas, the need to be #information #resilient has never been so important as it is today! More at... #subversion #securityawareness #security #cybersecurity #datasecurity #informationsecurity #socialmedia #falsenarratives
#disinformation #information #resilient #subversion #securityawareness #security #cybersecurity #datasecurity #informationsecurity #socialmedia #falsenarratives
During this week’s @EP_Transport delegation to Naples & Ischia we discussed #sustainable tourism and trasportation, complemented by #reliable and affordable #connectivity for all, along with the importance of #resilient infrastrustructure.
#sustainable #Reliable #connectivity #resilient
Goal 11 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) is regarding making #cities and human #settlements #inclusive, #safe, #resilient, and #sustainable through #FifteenMinuteCity where all basic necessities like shops, parks, schools, offices, and others are within a 15-minute walk or bicycle ride.
#walkablecities #keepitintheground #WeKnowWhatToDo
#sdgs #cities #settlements #inclusive #safe #resilient #sustainable #fifteenminutecity #walkablecities #keepitintheground #weknowwhattodo
Lions of the sea #lifestyle #resilient
Transforming systems #lifestyle #resilient
@Rasp @billstclair
What you say is not making sense. Bitcoin is “vault money”, the vault is #resilient, on many thousands of computers running #BitcoinCore software. Encryption and #ProofOfWork secure it via solving impossible to guess and very difficult problems.
On linux, the #bigtech blocker, Digital Feudalism Counter Action (DFCA), helps one avoid CAGEMAFIA-servers (ie. many banksters) while using bitcoin:
The whole #tulipMania narrative is so 2017.
#resilient #bitcoincore #proofofwork #bigtech #tulipmania
RT Resilient Cities Network
The 10th anniversary of #EURESFO is happening this Oct in Cascais, Portugal!
Come join the discussion on #climate #resilient pathways for regions & communities!
📅18-20 October
📍Cascais, Portugal
Register today:
#ResilientCities #ClimateAdaptation
#EURESFO #climate #resilient #ResilientCities #climateadaptation
Cybergrunge First Principles, a product thought experiment
#cybergrunge #firstprinciples #concept #productmanagement #sustainable #resilient #commongold
#cybergrunge #firstprinciples #concept #productmanagement #sustainable #resilient #commongold
NZ surveyed on climate #lifestyle #resilient
Tastebuds go wild and free #lifestyle #resilient
A precious gift of care #lifestyle #resilient
Here's some photos of the solar oven imade a few years ago. Everything was reused (except the screws). It still works well
#solarpunk #permaculture #resilient
#solarpunk #permaculture #resilient
The van hits the wall, windshield shattering. Whiplash and a few broken ribs, but I'm #resilient. The king's men reassemble me.
"Thanks, guys. Drinks? I'm buying."
They mutter more excuses. No one wants to be friends with the dummy, so I put my own heart back together. #vss365
Nothing if not #resilient, Eric picked up his head and placed it firmly back on his neck.
“As I was saying, before I was rudely interrup—“, he began.
The meddling kids exclaimed as they scarpered.