#LeoBrentBozell the IVth from Palmyra, #Pennsylvania was convicted on multiple felonies associated with his violent participation in the #January6th #FailedCoupAttempt.
I’ll bet #LeoBrentBozell ‘de turd’ (pardon my French accent) is thrilled to have his fancy name dragged through #MAGA mud!
#leobrentbozell #Pennsylvania #January6th #failedcoupattempt #MAGA #resistancegenealogy
#JohnChivington led the #SandCreekMassacre , also known as the Massacre of the Cheyenne Indians. 👉 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_Creek_massacre
He was also a #Methodist pastor and a #Mason.
#johnchivington #sandcreekmassacre #methodist #mason #resistancegenealogy #histodons
@onthisday ⬆️
#Lidice in the Czech Republic was rebuilt overlooking its original site, where a massacre was personally ordered by Hitler after residents helped assassinate high-ranking Nazi #ReinhardHeydrich OTD in 1942. 👉 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lidice
#Wagnerites will be hunted until their deaths like #Nazis still are.
#DoNotCollaborateWithFascists because your descendants will know what you did, and piss on your grave!
#lidice #reinhardheydrich #NeverForget #neveragain #wagnerites #Nazis #donotcollaboratewithfascists #resistancegenealogy
Do #NYPD records exist that can help #NameTheCop who beat #MilesDavis ?
#nypd #namethecop #milesdavis #resistancegenealogy
#PatrickMcCaughey III of Ridgefield, Connecticut has been sentenced to over 7 years in prison for his assault of a Capitol police officer using a weapon during the #January6 #FailedCoupAttempt. ⬇️
#PatrickMcCaughey Sr and Jr must be SO proud!
#SaveAmerica from the #DarkMAGA cult of ignorance and death.
#patrickmccaughey #January6 #failedcoupattempt #saveamerica #DarkMAGA #resistancegenealogy
TIL that Rachel Belden Brooks was an African-American pioneer in the Oregon Territories who successfully sued her former ‘owner’ #DanielDelaney Sr. for her freedom and $1,000 in damages. ⬇️ #ResistanceGenealogy
#danieldelaney #resistancegenealogy
@meduza_en ⬆️ ✅
For at the umpteenth time, #DoNotCollaborateWithFascists !
As #PavelFilatyev has discovered, a person’s treachery might be hidden for a short while, but it will be discovered and knowledge of it will outlive them. #ResistanceGenealogy
#WWG1WGA is true, and that is why fascists such as #SovietZombies 🧟♂️ and #DarkMAGA cult members will be flushed like 💩.
#donotcollaboratewithfascists #pavelfilatyev #resistancegenealogy #WWG1WGA #sovietzombies #DarkMAGA
Do you have an extended family member in the #MAGA cult who has become estranged for constant belligerence and spreading the #BigLie ?
Arguing is pointless #WhackAMole and brings them creepy joy. What to do?
If you have an online #FamilyTree , post this image as their profile pic ⬇️, so it will be their legacy for generations!
#MAGA #biglie #whackamole #familytree #resistancegenealogy
#SiliconValleyBank C-suite executive #JosephGentile was previously a C-suite executive at #LehmanBrothers . 🤔 👉 https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/silicon-valley-bank-exec-was-lehman-brothers-cfo-prior-to-2008-collapse.amp
#siliconvalleybank #josephgentile #lehmanbrothers #resistancegenealogy #nobankbailout
The #GreatSlaveAuction in Savannah, Georgia is part of the shameful legacy of #PierceMeaseButler , who inherited half his father’s plantation on Butler and St. Simons Island but lost it all and more by gambling and died from dysentery in Mexico. His gambling debts were paid off by the largest sale of enslaved African men, women and children in American history. 👉 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierce_Butler_(American_politician)#Pierce_Mease_Butler
#greatslaveauction #piercemeasebutler #resistancegenealogy #bhm #crt
RT @CleverTitleTK@twitter.com
Well, well, well.
If it isn't George Santos' mother's USCIS file, clearly stating that her parents were born in Brazil in 1918 and 1927, respectively. Belgium? Ukraine? Holocaust survivors? Yeah, no.
Still waiting on that apology, George. h/t @alccalz@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CleverTitleTK/status/1615440564924878849
RT @CleverTitleTK@twitter.com
It was exactly five years ago TODAY that @NYTBlake@twitter.com reached out via DM, assigning me the piece for Politico that launched #resistancegenealogy.
It quite literally changed my life.
I'm forever grateful to him and stunned by his loss. May he rest in peace.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CleverTitleTK/status/1613171157766651905
I'm Jennifer Mendelsohn, @clevertitletk on Twitter.
After a long career as a freelance magazine journalist (People, Slate, NYT, WaPo et al), I started applying my reporting skills to genealogy. In 2018, I created the political movement known as #resistancegenealogy, investigating the family trees of anti-immigrant pols & pundits. Also deeply interested in debunking and Internet misinfo.
Currently (one of the very few?) straddling the intersection of journalism and genealogy.
#introduction #resistancegenealogy
Some are even using #genealogy to attack #Trump, #conservatives & their policies. The chief instigator is a writer named #JenniferMendelsohn. She has labeled it #resistancegenealogy. I call it something else. https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/24/us/immigration-resistance-genealogy-jennifer-mendelsohn-trnd/index.html
#genealogy #trump #conservatives #jennifermendelsohn #resistancegenealogy