Protect #ChichilBildagoteel (#OakFlat)
"The #ApacheStronghold with #Indigenous allies and US and international supporters have tirelessly been working to stop a nearly 8-year-long process to exchange Oak Flat, a 2,200-acre site in #TontoNationalForest, to #ResolutionCopper, a subsidiary of #RioTinto and #BHP, which plans to construct one of the largest copper and ore #mining pits in the world."
#NativeAmericans #FirstNations #CopperMining #OpenPitMining #extractivism
#extractivism #openpitmining #coppermining #firstnations #nativeamericans #mining #bhp #riotinto #resolutioncopper #tontonationalforest #indigenous #apachestronghold #oakflat #chichilbildagoteel
Protect #ChichilBildagoteel (#OakFlat)
"The #ApacheStronghold with #Indigenous allies and US and international supporters have tirelessly been working to stop a nearly 8-year-long process to exchange Oak Flat, a 2,200-acre site in #TontoNationalForest, to #ResolutionCopper, a subsidiary of #RioTinto and #BHP, which plans to construct one of the largest copper and ore mining pits in the world."
#NativeAmericans #FirstNations #mining #CopperMining #OpenPitMining
#openpitmining #coppermining #mining #firstnations #nativeamericans #bhp #riotinto #resolutioncopper #tontonationalforest #indigenous #apachestronghold #oakflat #chichilbildagoteel