I'm also pretty sure the entertainment value *is* better if you have seen a couple films from their filmography.
Knowing that they are two guys who make movies together, often about just two people—movies in which they sometimes play themselves as well as writing and directing them—makes the joke/theme/gimmick hit especially hard.
#SomethingInTheDirt #ResolutionMovie #TheEndless #MetaHorror #AaronMoorhead #JustinBenson
#somethinginthedirt #resolutionmovie #theendless #metahorror #aaronmoorhead #justinbenson
Fan of #horror movies, especially #IndieHorror (I'm looking at you, #A24 ) & #ttrpgs.
Newly interested in #FOSS and trying to #DeGooglify.
Also (I have to say it) #EatTheRich
I'm not super spiritual, but I love a good #Tarot deck
#Hereditary #Midsommar #BlackcoatsDaughter #TheBabadook #TheEndless #ResolutionMovie #FoundFootage3D
#DnD5e #FateRPG #Wanderhome #MicroscopeRPG #FateCore
#SchittsCreek #TheGoodPlace #Severance #CabinetOfCuriosities #BobsBurgers
#introduction #horror #indiehorror #a24 #ttrpgs #foss #degooglify #EatTheRich #tarot #hereditary #midsommar #blackcoatsdaughter #thebabadook #theendless #resolutionmovie #foundfootage3d #dnd5e #faterpg #wanderhome #microscoperpg #fatecore #SchittsCreek #thegoodplace #severance #cabinetofcuriosities #bobsburgers