11 followers · 92 posts · Server
11 followers · 91 posts · Server
aqoba · @aqoba
14 followers · 47 posts · Server

Équipe, laisse-moi assister à une de tes réunion, je te dirai qui tu es !

(merci Jean-François Helie-Shilov)

* La gestion du temps ➡ le respect des délais
* La relation avec l’animateur ➡ la relation à la hiérarchie
* La gestion de l’espace ➡ les stratégies territoriales
* Les processus de communication ➡ les circuits d’information
* Les résultats obtenus ➡ la réalisation des objectifs
* L’énergie déployée ➡ la motivation et de l’engagement des personnes

#coaching #resonances #reunion

Last updated 1 year ago

JeromeDqn · @JeromeDqn
4 followers · 1 posts · Server

Time for a short
I am Jerome, senior postdoc, applied fellow working at the of , . I use to make near , , and more . I have worked extensively on the problem, and on the modelling of this on secular timescales. - and phenomena are things I like in and 🛰️🦋💚🪐

#CelestialMechanics #astrodynamics #mathematics #NonLinear #resonances #chaos #environment #spacedebris #sustainable #Safer #cleaner #space #earth #theory #system #dynamical #belgium #namur #university #FNRS #mathematician #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

JeromeDqn · @JeromeDqn
4 followers · 1 posts · Server

Time for a short
I am Jerome, senior postdoc and applied , fellow working at the of , . I use to make near , , and more . I have worked extensively on the problem, and on the modelling of this on secular timescales. - and phenomena are things I like in , and . 

#CelestialMechanics #astrodynamics #mathematics #NonLinear #resonances #chaos #environment #spacedebris #sustainable #Safer #cleaner #space #earth #theory #system #dynamical #belgium #namur #university #FNRS #mathematician #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

JeromeDqn · @JeromeDqn
3 followers · 1 posts · Server

Time for a short
I am Jerome, senior postdoc, fellow working at the of , . I use to make near , , and more . I have worked extensively on the problem, and on the modelling of this on secular timescales. - and phenomena are things I like in and . 🦋💚

#CelestialMechanics #astrodynamics #NonLinear #resonances #chaos #environment #spacedebris #sustainable #Safer #cleaner #space #earth #theory #system #dynamical #belgium #namur #university #FNRS #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

JeromeDqn · @JeromeDqn
1 followers · 1 posts · Server

I am Jerome, senior postdoc, fellow working at the University of , . I use to make near cleaner, safer, and more . I have worked extensively on the problem, and on the modelling of this threat on secular timescales. - are things I like in and . 🦋💚

#CelestialMechanics #astrodynamics #resonances #chaos #spacedebris #sustainble #space #earth #theory #system #dynamical #belgium #namur #FNRS #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago