r06ue1 · @r06ue1
10 followers · 364 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Three easy steps to evolution (rEvolution):

Step one: (the people take control)

Step two: Gifting and Sharing Economy (profit is removed from the system)

Step three: (we have arrived at the new paradigm).

#directdemocracy #resourcebasedeconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
29 followers · 237 posts · Server kolektiva.social
r06ue1 · @r06ue1
4 followers · 317 posts · Server kolektiva.social

(majority rule via direct vote) for political system.

Gifting, Sharing and look up a for economic system.

You remove those hierarchies and those at the top of those hierarchies, lose all power, and their house of cards crumbles.

#directdemocracy #resourcebasedeconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Geewhizpat · @Geewhizpat
826 followers · 2311 posts · Server newsie.social

Tracking this…the beginning of capitalist contraction around growth…don’t know…Google's 80-acre San Jose campus is on hold as the company reckons with the economic slowdown and new leadership. The company doesn’t have plans to resume the project in the near future, impacting when the community will see millions of $ in benefits. cnbc.com/2023/04/21/googles-80

#googlenews #resourcebasedeconomy #constraints

Last updated 2 years ago

Geewhizpat · @Geewhizpat
826 followers · 2311 posts · Server newsie.social

Tracking this…the beginning of capitalist contraction around growth…don’t know…Google's 80-acre San Jose campus is on hold as the company reckons with the economic slowdown and new leadership. The company doesn’t have plans to resume the project in the near future, impacting when the community will see millions of $ in benefits. cnbc.com/2023/04/21/googles-80

#googlenews #resourcebasedeconomy #constraints

Last updated 2 years ago

r06ue1 · @r06ue1
2 followers · 257 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Imagine a world without money, it isn't hard if you try.

Gifting, Sharing, limited Barter,

Elliot Hacks A Pedophile | Mr. Robot youtu.be/QqknSms8VVI

#directdemocracy #resourcebasedeconomy

Last updated 2 years ago

r06ue1 · @r06ue1
2 followers · 223 posts · Server kolektiva.social

[from my Twitter]

Costa Rica is where we need to build the worlds first :

- Low population
- Good climate
- No military (abolished in 1949, first country in the world to do so)
- 100% renewable energy (worldfuturecouncil.org/100-ren)

And there's hippies :)

Inside An Off-Grid Hippie Community in Costa Rica youtu.be/pD29OT_7Bns

We are heading there to start work on educating the local population. If you have the means, head there, and tell others.


We have stayed in Costa Rica and will be moving there this summer (after my daughter is done with school). There is a lot of suffering, poor people there, going to be working with several organizations we have found so far which are either helping the poor or working towards change.

With a population of less than 5 million, and most of those in the area of the Capital (3.5 million), this place is primed to become the world's first .

We will be introducing the people there to the concepts and non-hierarchical decision making and rejection of economic hierarchy.


Last updated 2 years ago

r06ue1 · @r06ue1
0 followers · 52 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Questions to ask everyone you meet:

1. Do you hate Wall Street and Banksters?

2. Do you hate your government and how they refuse to represent you but instead only represent the super wealthy?

3. Do you hate the idea that an individual can "earn" a living from yours or others labor, which is no different than slavery and feudalism offered?

4. Do you hate Billionaire Oligarchs and their control over everything, which includes your government, your media, and all of the corporations and Wall Street?

If the answer is yes, then welcome them to the rebellion, instructions provided below.


actually scared those in power, which is why the wealthy have been pouring billions into moving towards Authoritarianism. We need another mass civil disobedience movement like that but going further to include (s), sit-in's, leafleting, talking to us to this point.

Basically, we need to start thinking .

I'm linking past tweets below for reference purposes and questions, but also check out , ( and his wonderful book and films) and my blog (see my profile) on direct Democracy, gift economy and free thought for more.


Getting to a in two simple steps:

1. Take political decision making process out of the hands of the few Demons ruling the world today. Decision making is put in the hands of the majority via .

2. Remove the Demons ability to manipulate the masses by removing their economic hierarchy. This is accomplished by rejecting the use of all money systems which they depend on. In the place of money, gifting, sharing and (limited) barter takes its place.

The few Demons running the world lose all power.

For more on these two very simple concepts and why they end in a :

Direct Democracy:




Gift Economy:


If after reading the above you still don't get how it leads to a , you:

A. Don't understand how the wealthy few at the top will never accept the concept and will do everything in their power (political and economic) to stop it, and

B. You don't understand where Jacque Fresco got his ideas and just how anti-hierarchy (an Anarchist) he really was.

#occupywallsteet #generalstrike #Revolution #thevenusproject #thezeitgeistmovement #peterjoseph #resourcebasedeconomy #directdemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Rich · @rich
106 followers · 842 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I find it hard to classify Peter Coffin politically. On the one hand, I think their critiques of capitalism are spot on. But they'll be chugging along, making a cogent point, when all of a sudden, they say something that is not only wrong but sounds like corporate propaganda.

Here's their documentary on and


At one point, in this very long documentary, they say, that renewables do not provide consistent energy, and therefore, if we were to rely on them as our only source of power, people would die. (It's at about 90 minutes)

But here's the thing...That's wrong.

To the best of my knowledge, that's not true. When I was developing my own political outlook about ten years ago, I read dozens of studies which indicate that a 100% renewable energy infrastructure (across all industries) would not only meet but exceed global energy demand.

Here's one


Here's another


Here's a meta-analysis of 180 peer-reviewed papers, most of which insist that it is both technologically and economically feasible to meet global energy demand with 100% renewables.


There are dissenting opinions, yes. I would be remiss if I didn't mention them. But if you look deeper, you'll find that a lot of these dissenters have ties to other energy industries.

And I'm not suggesting that we simply turn off all the nuclear plants tomorrow.

This is not some anti nuclear energy rant. I think there's a lot of potential in technology. At least as an interim power source. Possibly as a long-term option.


But any nuclear technology inevitably generates radioactive waste, which can be devastating if not stored properly.

Renewables will generate waste too. Just about every human endeavour does. But that waste is far more manageable.


So if 100% is feasible (and the evidence suggests that it is), we should keep that option on the table and develop synergistic strategies. Now, what does that mean? Well, when most people think of renewables, they think wind and solar. And those would definitely be part of the equation. But people rarely mention the other options: wave, tidal, hydro and geothermal. The latter offers enormous energy potential.

A synergistic strategy means that you use all of these options together and you tailor the energy grid for each geographic region. You don't make solar panels your primary method of energy generation in the Yukon (which gets very little sunlight in the winter months). But in Arizona? That's a great place for solar.

Now, of course, there are obstacles. I'm not trying to make this sound like we can just snap our fingers and make clean energy infrastructure. But the key here is that our best scientific minds agree that these obstacles are surmountable.

Throughout the video, Peter equates "reducing consumption" with "killing poor/disabled people." The argument they make pretty much verbatim goes like this.

Humans need energy to survive. So, if we reduce energy consumption, people are going to die.

Except no one is advocating for that. Maybe Jason Hickel is. I haven't read his book. (He wrote Less is More). And Peter did include some cringy quotes from Hickel.

But when serious people talk about a reduction in consumption, we're not talking about leaving poor people to die.

Overconsumption is caused by the inefficiencies that are baked into . Capitalism is an engine for turning natural resources into crap that sits in a landfill. Why? Because of cost efficiency and profit maximization.

Cost efficiency is not true efficiency. Real efficiency is getting the most productive output for the least energy input. Cost efficiency is making the most profit for the least cost. These two things are not the same.

Take phones, for instance. Phones could be modular and durable. In other words, if a single part breaks down - like one chip on the circuit board - the one part is repaired or replaced while the rest of the phone remains untouched. But creating phones like that costs more. And reduces repeat purchases.

Apple, Samsung and Motorola go out of the way to squash the repair market. They want to make it easiest to just replace the entire phone when a single part breaks down. That's why phones no longer have removeable batteries. Because if you have to pay for a new battery (which will be harder to find if your phone is a few years old) and for the maintenance of taking the phone apart and installing the new battery, you'll probably just buy a new phone.

That's what maximizes Apple's profits. Companies have to generate cyclical consumption to stay in business. That's the overconsumption we're talking about. Not basic living essentials like water and power and food.

Speaking of living essentials, let's look at housing. In 2019 - the last time I checked - the US Census Bureau reported 545 000 homeless Americans. Quite a bit, right?

In the same year, the Department of Housing and Urban Development reported 13 million permanently unoccupied houses. Permanently unoccupied means nobody lives in them. They aren't being used as somebody's summer home. They are literally just sitting there untouched, functioning solely as an asset on someone's balance sheet.

That's the overconsumption we're talking about. Not only do we have way more houses than we actually need, the people who do need them can't live in them.

Why are we, as a society, making so many unused houses? Because that's how developers make a profit! Profit is the problem.

Profit = overconsumption.

That's what we're talking about: harvesting natural resources that go into unused products, many of which find their way into landfills. Throwing out perfectly usable products that could repaired. Tossing used parts into landfills even though their components (gold, copper, cobalt, tin) are still perfectly usable and could be extracted.

No serious person is talking about "getting back to nature" or "shutting off the power and going primitive" or "leaving disabled people to die."

Anyone who advocates the latter is someone you should absolutely stop listening to.

#overpopulation #degrowth #thorium #renewables #capitalism #nlrbe #naturallaw #resourcebasedeconomy

Last updated 2 years ago

michael centra · @michaelcentra
68 followers · 187 posts · Server mastodon.world
Ana Ribeiro 💙:toad: · @anaribeiro
214 followers · 2415 posts · Server toad.social
michael centra · @michaelcentra
59 followers · 133 posts · Server mastodon.world

Can anyone following The Zeitgeist Movement on Mastodon respond with a direct link to their account? I can no longer find them in search since switching servers. Thanks!

#tzm #thezeitgeistmovement #rbe #resourcebasedeconomy

Last updated 2 years ago

michael centra · @michaelcentra
59 followers · 133 posts · Server mastodon.world

Apologies for reposting. Switched servers and lost old posts.
Hi everyone, ..I'm Michael Centra, a sci-fi author, RBE advocate, sometime lyricist, refugee from Twitter.. .looking to try out the waters here, reconnect with displaced refugees and connect with other sci-fi authors, RBE/Zeitgeist Movement supporters and anyone politically Left.

#introductions #rbe #resourcebasedeconomy #SciFi #sciencefiction #authors #smashwords #socialism #economics #science #atheist #fiction #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

michaelcentra · @michaelcentra
1 followers · 3 posts · Server ioc.exchange

Hi everyone, I've known about Mastodon for awhile...coming from Twitter.. .looking to rebuild here and connect with other sci-fi authors, RBE/Zeitgeist Movement supporters and anyone politically Left.

#introductions #rbe #resourcebasedeconomy #scifi #sciencefiction #authors #smashwords #socialism #economics #science #atheist #fiction #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Bernard McCarty · @BernardMcCarty
11 followers · 99 posts · Server mastodon.green

RT @immohanravi@twitter.com

@pinkheretic@twitter.com please read, its enough fighting this is the real solution thevenusproject.com

🐦🔗: twitter.com/immohanravi/status


Last updated 2 years ago

CyberspaceOmeg6 · @CyberspaceOmeg6
8 followers · 114 posts · Server mas.to

Here is a Draft for a future without capitalism and how we can transition beyond it while using the current economic processes to reset and re-balance systems to a life value set of goals for all, to reduce inequality

#lifevaluesystems #removeinequality #balance #systems #cybernetics #howtochangecapitalism #resourcebasedeconomy #futureofsustainability #beyondcapitalism #futurecanbebetter #anewhope

Last updated 2 years ago

Bernard McCarty · @BernardMcCarty
11 followers · 99 posts · Server mastodon.green

RT @simon_oakden@twitter.com

@ScotGovFM@twitter.com @NicolaSturgeon@twitter.com Unless we implement a global resource based economy to properly care for our environment we won't be tackling climate change. That's the choice.


🐦🔗: twitter.com/simon_oakden/statu


Last updated 2 years ago

Frank🦁F · @lightrider
13 followers · 5314 posts · Server social.linux.pizza

Helpless twitter addict refugee who talks about how the are destroying the world and how we must defeat them with , and a global revolution of values. Advocate for a that will provide for the basic necessities for all people without a price tag. Also talk about the and that has been a cancer on the industry. Proponent of as the beginning in some way of a .

#tvp #tzm #bch #blockchain #tetherfraud #btcscam #rbe #resourcebasedeconomy #technology #science #fuckingcapitalists #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago