Why Not Tax Private Jets Out of Existence? - The industry not only exploits our planet’s precious resources but makes the rest of us subsidize the extravagant lifestyles of the ultra-rich.
#PrivateJets #Taxation #Environment #UltraRich #Subsidies #ResourceExploitation #Politics #News
#privatejets #taxation #environment #ultrarich #subsidies #resourceexploitation #politics #news
Civilisation is in a deep state of #collapse due to #ResourceExploitation #overshoot and loss of human habitat.
#collapse #resourceexploitation #overshoot
Why not? They got rich of #ResourceExploitation and #TaxLoopholes "Billionaires should not make up climate finance gaps, says Bezos Earth Fund head" https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/07/billionaires-should-not-make-up-climate-finance-gaps-says-bezos-earth-fund-head #news #JeffBezos #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #COP27 #billionaires
#resourceexploitation #taxloopholes #news #jeffbezos #climatecrisis #climatechange #cop27 #billionaires