Explore extensive digital library filled with publications related to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The collection covers a wide array of topics, including sustainable transportation, climate change, small island states, renewable energy, ocean conservation, water resources, and much more.
Dive in and discover valuable resources at: http://sdgs.un.org/publications 🌍📚 #SustainableDevelopment #SDGs #ResourceLibrary
#resourcelibrary #sdgs #sustainabledevelopment
I sent out my monthly #tutor#mentor newsletter today. You can read it at https://tutormentorexchange.net/2023-newsletters/jan-2023-enews
Past issues are also available.
#NationalMentoringMonth #nonprofit #infrastructure #resourcelibrary #philanthropy #youthdevelopment #poverty #tutor #maps
Thanks. I just added David's site to a couple of sub sections of my library. Here's one. https://tutormentorexchange.net/resource-links/training-links/education-resources
Is there a #resourcelibrary place on Mastodon where people like David and I and yourself could be talking of challenges of building & maintaining libraries, and of getting viewers to use them to solve problems?
I've spent about 30 years thinking about this and sharing ideas at http://tutormentor.blogspot.com