RT from Seeed Studio (@seeedstudio)
How to Run a ChatGPT-Like LLM on @NVIDIAEmbedded Jetson board? @ShakhizatN using Seeed #ReSpeaker USB Mic array, an SBC #NVIDIAJetson, and a Bluetooth speaker simply did it. By running a language model on the Nvidia Jetson board, we can benefit from reduced network latency,… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1673160184364138497
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/seeedstudio/status/1673160184364138497
Een spraakgestuurde versie maken van mijn Home Assistant domotica systeem. In tegenstelling tot dataslurpers Google en Amazon verlaat de opgenomen spraakopnames ons huis niet!
#nerden #domotica #homeassistant #rhasspy #respeaker
#nerden #domotica #homeassistant #rhasspy #respeaker
#dTech #DotardTech #dNews #DotardNews #glados #portal #homeentertainmenthacks #RaspberryPi #RobotsHacks #homehacks #ReSpeaker
GLaDOS Voice Assistant Passive-Aggressively Automates Home
After selling his Home and Echo, [nerdaxic] missed the ability to control his smart home by voice command. Instead of buying back, [nerdaxic] decided to open his home to a murderous, passive aggressive, sarcastic, slightly insane AI: GLaDOS.
#dtech #dNews #DotardTech #DotardNews #glados #portal #homeentertainmenthacks #raspberrypi #robotshacks #homehacks #respeaker