So I read a negative review of #Nimona today that was complaining that she was a horrible character because she was destructive, manipulative, and failed to respect boundaries.
You know, toward the people literally trying to hunt down and murder her?
I couldn't tell if this was intended to be a parody of #RespectabilityPolitics or if the author actually believed this...
#respectabilitypolitics #Nimona
@quietmarc It reminds me of a point made in a video I watched today. A comedian who made some or other trans joke got called out, and he was like: "So I can't say anything about you because you have it bad? You know who has it bad? Disabled people, and we just built them some ramps and they don't complain." Firstly, that's some #whataboutism and #RespectabilityPolitics all rolled into one. Secondly, he thought the disabled people all kept quiet? Ever heard of the disability rights movement dude?
#whataboutism #respectabilitypolitics
I agree the roots of the term Professionalism, how it was coded, and how the idea was spread to exploit #labor is so problematic.
It would be interesting to have conversations with Black and Brown professionals (as well as educators who prepare them for jobs) about how they envision economic sovereignty and what characteristics they'd like to see in their ideal work environments.
I know this conversation already kind of happens in #CommunityOrganizing spaces but I think a broader conversation around what it means to be in "right relationship" with work could be pretty generative.
Personally I'm starting to reflect upon what does it look like to show up for the work I've committed to in a way that's authentic and that honors my whole person?
If I could afford to set aside the harmful #RespectabilityPolitics around #Professionalism how would I show up different in a work environment than the way I do now?
Given our current reality under capitalism, there are expectations that I show up demonstrating characteristics I believe can be toxic (ref. #TemaOkun's work). So how can I show up as the person I want to be and what will it take to create or access working environments that feel like they honor my sovereignty, my personhood and my contributions?
#labor #communityorganizing #respectabilitypolitics #professionalism #temaokun
@Occidental I read #TheAutobiographyOfMalcolmX as a teenager and it was definitely helpful on so many levels.
Growing up in North Georgia I'd always seen Brother Malcolm weaponized against Black children to create this narrative that angry or armed Black people undermined their own cause in the civil rights movement.
Malcolm's autobiography provided so much incredible nuance that it challenged me to confront not only the narratives around #RespectabilityPolitics but also the ways that leaders like Brother Malcolm and Dr #MartinLutherKing were weaponized in attempts to critique the Black community into submission
I'd be curious to learn from other folks on #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter how they came to learn about the spectrum of perspectives and identities within the Black community
#theautobiographyofmalcolmx #respectabilitypolitics #MartinLutherKing #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter
respectability politics is a cancer
chasing goalposts that'll never stop moving makes you dumber than a dog
at least the dog would be having fun you're just scared
#liberationnotassimilation #transliberation #queerliberation #transfeminism #respectabilitypolitics #marginalization #marginalizedpeople #bigotry #oppression #power #powerstructures #trans #transgender #transsexual #queer
#liberationnotassimilation #transliberation #queerliberation #transfeminism #respectabilitypolitics #marginalization #marginalizedpeople #bigotry #oppression #power #powerstructures #trans #transgender #transsexual #queer