President Biden, after signing the Respect For Marriage Act into law, gives Vice President Harris the pen he used to sign it with. This marks another memorable and significant gesture; as the VP was a pioneer in the recognition of same-sex marriage nearly 10 years ago.
#RespectForMarriageEqualityAct #POTUS #MVP
#respectformarriageequalityact #potus #mvp #VicePresidentHarris
#VicePresidentHarris was always ahead of her time; doing the hard work and the unimaginable. She's been there doing some of the firsts of our time when people said she couldn't do it. She deserves recognition.
Fact: VP Kamala Harris officiated the first same-sex marriage in the state of California back in 2013 after Prop 8 was overturned. She speaks today at the WH ceremony marking the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act nearly 10 years later.
#VicePresidentHarris #respectformarriageequalityact
Today: Biden to sign into law the Respect for Marriage Act
#marriageequality #RespectForMarriageEqualityAct #equality #RightsForAll
#marriageequality #respectformarriageequalityact #equality #rightsforall
Statement by Vice President Kamala Harris on the Respect for Marriage Act
#marriageequality #respectformarriageequalityact
Tomorrow the house and Senate will vote on respect for marriage act
Tomorrow call your senators and tell them to action and also retweet my graphic to show support #loveIsLove
#DemcastNC #Demcast #RespectForMarriageEqualityAct
#loveislove #demcastnc #DemCast #respectformarriageequalityact #lgbtq