Masks work. Here are 50 sources to prove it.
#Covid #COVID19 #SarsCov2 #N95 #respirators #masks #WearAMask #MaskUp #Wildfire #Protection
#protection #wildfire #MaskUp #WearAMask #masks #respirators #N95 #sarscov2 #COVID19 #COVID
Can someone share the best mask recommendations for COVID currently? There are some pictures with in-depth test results and comparisons - can people reshare those pictures? (Trying to find them, struggling)
#covid #sarscov2 #masks #respirators #corona #coronavirus #fittest #mask #masking #airborne #virus #pandemic
#covid #SarsCoV2 #masks #respirators #corona #Coronavirus #fittest #mask #masking #airborne #virus #pandemic
Wouldn't it be ironic if COVID-19 was actually 100% fatal and that these initial infections during the first few years of the pandemic we're just the infection phase of a virus that goes into a dormant stage for about a decade, only to re-emerge and kill every single person who got infected?
Wouldn't that be ironic?
#COVID19 #respirators #N95 #pandemic #irony #vax #masks #CDC
#n95 #pandemic #irony #vax #COVID19 #respirators #masks #cdc
If you’re in the eastern part of the #USA, particularly in the #NYC metro area, please consider putting together sample packs of #N95 or equivalent #respirators to offer to your delivery people, postal workers, etc. today!
The #airquality is really abysmal today and poses health risks to EVERYONE, whether they have #asthma or other breathing problems.
Anyone who’s working or traveling outdoors today should #MaskUp & given the resources to do so.
#usa #nyc #n95 #respirators #airquality #asthma #maskup
An easy graphic to illustrate how and when masks (respirators) are most effective.
#Covid #COVID19 #masks #respirators #WearAMask #MaskUp #BringBackMasks
#BringBackMasks #MaskUp #WearAMask #respirators #masks #COVID19 #COVID
Masks Work. Distorting Science to Dispute the Evidence Doesn’t.
New mask studies relying on a medical paradigm do not erase decades of engineering and occupational science that show they work.
#WearAMask #MaskUp #N95 #Science #respirators #Covid #Covid19 #LongCovid
#LongCovid #COVID19 #COVID #respirators #Science #N95 #MaskUp #WearAMask
@YvanDutil I wish they believed in #Miasma too. Maybe that would make them recommend #respirators and #airfilters.
#miasma #respirators #airfilters
The straps of the goggles + the head strap of the #GVS are always a puzzle to calmly solve whenever I have to take off my mask for a second :') Figure out which straps are over which, fix it if need be, put everything back in and fix it again, then BREATHE again, ah.
So I just end up cutting my hair to a pixie, basically every time before flying, for convenience. Kinda sucks, but it makes a world of difference on the day.
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidMasking #Respirators #BetterMasks #COVIDisAirborne
#gvs #CovidIsNotOver #covidmasking #respirators #BetterMasks #COVIDisAirborne
Some weekend news: The #Philips #CPAP recall debacle gets even worse with a third #recall.
Some of the refurbished #respirators were programmed with the wrong serial numbers, preventing from users from getting the right prescription settings.
#philips #cpap #recall #respirators
From a risk perspective, wearing a #respirator is like seat belts & air bags in a car.
Seat belts mitigate a low probability high impact risk - car crash.
#Respirators mitigate against #sars2 transmission and infection.
Except #SARS2 infection is way more probable than a car crash.
As the 3rd leading cause of death it's way more impactful too. Add post viral #longcovid harm in & #sars2 is orders of magnitude riskier than a car crash.
You wear a seat belt right?
Then #WearARespirator too.
#respirator #respirators #SARS2 #LongCOVID #weararespirator
#respirators work #maskswork I used to refer to respirators as masks but now realise this leads to a lot of confusion. Respirators are better at filtering than masks, mainly due to their better fit at the edges and nose but also they typically have more layers which act to trap particles. They mostly are called FFP2 or 3 nut may be called KN95 or 99. This refers to the percent of particles they can stop. Respirators are capable of protecting from a large amount of virus present. Masks are not.
“The original Plain Language Summary for this review stated that 'We are uncertain whether wearing masks or #N95/P2 #respirators helps to slow the spread of #RespiratoryViruses based on the studies we assessed.' This wording was open to misinterpretation, for which we apologize. While scientific evidence is never immune to misinterpretation, we take responsibility for not making the wording clearer from the outset.”
#n95 #respirators #respiratoryviruses
@novid He and his girlfriend slept in different rooms and, as previously stated, didn’t come into contact unless they were both donning #respirators correctly.
He used nasal spray with #xylitol round the clock, plus mouthwash with #cpc.
He kept close track of his #vitals and recorded any possible symptoms/changes (which consisted of a small headache, probably more due to the stress of trying to stay #CovidNegative when #XBB was in his personal space!).
#respirators #xylitol #cpc #vitals #covidnegative #xbb
Do you mean the exhaustion valve?
those #respirators are safe for the #dentist but not for patients
KN99 & #ARANET4 should be standard
airfilters & open windows, too
every #patient should be tested for #sourcecontrol with calibrated #antigen #SarsCoV2 tests
#respirators #dentist #aranet4 #patient #sourcecontrol #antigen #sarscov2 #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #servicetoot
#Free #Duckbill #N95 and #KN95 #Respirators in #Pittsburgh #Pennsylvania !
Please share, especially with folks you know in Pittsburgh and surrounding areas. @novid
Link to source:
#CovidIsNotOver #MasksWork #RespiratorsWork #WearAMask #UpgradeYourMask
#free #duckbill #n95 #kn95 #respirators #pittsburgh #pennsylvania #covidisnotover #maskswork #respiratorswork #wearamask #upgradeyourmask
Yes, masks actually work. But more effort is required on the wearing part when needed.
#mask #masking #maskmandates #maskswork #respirators #maskbehavior #collectiveaction
#collectiveaction #maskbehavior #respirators #MasksWork #maskmandates #masking #mask
@Dianora @drjudymelinek It does hurt that people insist on ignoring the difference between paper or cloth exhaust-limiting masks and respirators (which in some cases protect exhaust as well, like many N95 models).
#Respirators are effective.