I just had my yearly lung checkup. My airways and lungs are in excellent shape. This is surprising to me because I had an asthma flareup a couple of weeks ago. I’m glad to have gotten it back under control. #ChronicIllness #RespiratoryDisease #Asthma
#chronicillness #respiratorydisease #asthma
“The politics of mould”: Sir #MichaelMarmot writes about the tragic death in the UK of a 2 year old boy of #RespiratoryDisease caused by #Mould
#FuelPoverty is a cause of mould. And the causes of fuel poverty are all remediable: poverty, thermal property of housing, and price of fuel - #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth
“UK ranks 31st out of 41 rich (#OECD) countries in child poverty, we have some of the worst #housing quality in Europe”
#MichaelMarmot #respiratorydisease #mould #fuelpoverty #socialdeterminantsofhealth #oecd #housing
#Lancet #COVID19 #Commission - Proposed #Noninfectious #AirDeliveryRates #NADR for #Reducing #Exposure to #Airborne #Respiratory #InfectiousDiseases November 2022 - There is #urgency in setting #new #minimumstandards that can #help #reduce #respiratorydisease #risk #indoors and #promote #betterhealth overall https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ef3652ab722df11fcb2ba5d/t/637740d40f35a9699a7fb05f/1668759764821/Lancet+Covid+Commission+TF+Report+Nov+2022.pdf
#Lancet #COVID19 #commission #noninfectious #airdeliveryrates #nadr #reducing #exposure #airborne #respiratory #infectiousdiseases #urgency #new #minimumstandards #help #reduce #respiratorydisease #risk #indoors #promote #betterhealth