Global News BC: Stay on top your immunizations, B.C. doctors warn ahead of fall ‘tripledemic’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #backtoschoolhealthconcerns #RespiratoryIllnesses #adviceforfluseason #RespiratoryViruses #RespiratorySeason #Dr.BonnieHenry #BChealthcare #Tripledemic #covid-19bc #FluSeason #Influenza #BChealth #Health #COVID #rsv
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #backtoschoolhealthconcerns #respiratoryillnesses #adviceforfluseason #respiratoryviruses #respiratoryseason #Dr #BChealthcare #tripledemic #covid #FluSeason #Influenza #BChealth #health #rsv
Spike in deadly strep infections linked to wave of flu, RSV in US kids - Enlarge / A microscope image of Streptococcus pyogenes, a common type o... - #invasivegroupastrep #respiratoryviruses #infectiousdisease #publichealth #vaccination #sars-cov-2 #children #covid-19 #pandemic #science #strepa #igas #cdc #flu #rsv
#rsv #flu #cdc #igas #strepa #science #pandemic #covid #children #sars #vaccination #publichealth #infectiousdisease #respiratoryviruses #invasivegroupastrep
Ars Technica: Spike in deadly strep infections linked to wave of flu, RSV in US kids #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #invasiveGroupAstrep #respiratoryviruses #Infectiousdisease #publichealth #vaccination #SARS-CoV-2 #children #COVID-19 #pandemic #Science #StrepA #iGAS #CDC #flu #RSV
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #invasivegroupastrep #respiratoryviruses #infectiousdisease #publichealth #vaccination #SARS #children #covid #pandemic #science #strepa #igas #cdc #flu #rsv
“We are engaging with the review authors with the aim of updating the Plain Language Summary and abstract to make clear that the review looked at whether interventions to promote #MaskWearing help to slow the spread of #RespiratoryViruses.”
#maskwearing #respiratoryviruses
“The original Plain Language Summary for this review stated that 'We are uncertain whether wearing masks or #N95/P2 #respirators helps to slow the spread of #RespiratoryViruses based on the studies we assessed.' This wording was open to misinterpretation, for which we apologize. While scientific evidence is never immune to misinterpretation, we take responsibility for not making the wording clearer from the outset.”
#n95 #respirators #respiratoryviruses
“The review examined whether interventions to promote #MaskWearing help to slow the spread of #RespiratoryViruses,” Soares-Weiser said, adding, “given the limitations in the primary evidence, the review is not able to address the question of whether mask wearing itself reduces people’s risk of contracting or spreading respiratory viruses.”
#maskwearing #respiratoryviruses
@politico_eu_bot Belgium's national public health institute Sciensano officially declared a #FluEpidemic Wednesday, with cases surging to similar levels as COVID-19. In addition to the influenza virus, the #BronchiolitisVirus, #Coronavirus and other #RespiratoryViruses that can cause the same symptoms are currently circulating, the institute added. Let's say it again - #Epidemic in Belgium means other countries close on their heels. #PublicHealth Matters. Please #WearAMask
#fluepidemic #bronchiolitisvirus #Coronavirus #respiratoryviruses #epidemic #publichealth #WearAMask
@TheConversationUS #RespiratoryViruses have rebounded hard after #CCOVID seclusion, & 😷s are one of the best ways to avoid getting them . Recent studies have shown that wearing a surgical mask in an indoor public setting reduces the odds of testing positive for #COVID19 by 66%, & wearing an N95/KN95 type of mask lowers the odds of testing positive by 83%.
#respiratoryviruses #ccovid #COVID19
Scarlet fever is soaring in UK after pandemic lull; invasive infections kill 8 - Enlarge / A microscope image of Streptococcus pyogenes, a common type o... - #invasivegroupastrep #groupastreptococci #respiratoryviruses #infectiousdisease #publichealth #scarletfever #antibiotics #groupastrep #strepthroat #children #science #viruses #strepa #cdc #nhs #uk
#uk #nhs #cdc #strepa #viruses #science #children #strepthroat #groupastrep #antibiotics #scarletfever #publichealth #infectiousdisease #respiratoryviruses #groupastreptococci #invasivegroupastrep
Previous 7 days positivity : InfA 30.5%, InfB 0%, RSV 29.6%. 213 total specimens. Had not been checking CoV because our volume dropped from about 1K/day to 777 for the week, but it's 11.2%. Many are pre procedure, so I don't know what the percentage of symptomatics is.
I'm on urine next week, but I will check again Sunday.
#flu #RSV #RespiratoryViruses #lab #COVID19 #COVID #diagnostics #ClinicalEpidemiology
#flu #rsv #respiratoryviruses #lab #COVID19 #COVID #diagnostics #clinicalepidemiology
Ian MacKay’s #SwissCheeseModel describes the importance of multiple layers of protection against #RespiratoryViruses (not just Covid) - because no one method is perfect (imperfections are symbolised by the holes in the cheese)
Multiple layers of protection improve the likelihood of avoiding and passing on infection.
#SwissCheeseModel #respiratoryviruses