This is a very welcome move for those of us critical of over-reliance on metrics for the evaluation of research quality and impact. It's in keeping with the responsible metrics movement and the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
#researchmetrics #dora #responsiblemetrics
Quoting Alan Dix, @lizziegadd says "Metrics are rubbish... but people are (far) worse."
#PeerReview of outputs can be even more biased (on gender or field, for example) than are #Bibliometrics.
This supports the use of #ResponsibleMetrics.
#peerreview #bibliometrics #responsiblemetrics #uksg2023 #researchassessment
El próximo 29 de marzo estaré conversando con Gabriel Velez Cuartas sobre métricas responsables y una cultura de evaluación, como parte de las Charlas Abiertas de la UdeA. ¡Bienvenidos! #Researchassessment #responsiblemetrics
🗓️ 29 de marzo de 2023
⏰ 2:00 p.m. a 3:00 p.m.
📍 Virtual a través de Zoom
📝 Inscripción:
🙋🏻 Más información:
#responsiblemetrics #researchassessment
I just found out that @humetricshss was over here!!
Any one interested in #OpenScience should follow them. I really interesting project and community
#responsiblemetrics #researchassessment #researchmanagement #openscience
Does anyone know why ‘Scholarly Assessment Reports’ has temporarily disabled submissions?
At Surrey we've developed a best practice checklist for engaging with responsible metrics in the writing of job descriptions and adverts - Scholarly Assessment Reports looked to be the perfect diamond Open Access home for dissemination.
Any suggestions on an alternative outlet please?
Paging @ElisabethBik, @StephenCurry, @sje & @tatumcc
#openscience #openresearch #responsiblemetrics
#NowLive Iberoamerican Conference on #OpenSCience. You can watch it through here:
#responsiblemetrics #openscience #nowlive
Arranca la Conferencia Iberoamericana en Ciencia Abierta. La pueden seguir en:
Esta tarde coordinaré un pequeño taller introductorio a Métricas Responsables
#ResponsibleMetrics #OpenScience #OpenAccess #MétricasResponsables
#metricasresponsables #openaccess #openscience #responsiblemetrics
How can #peerreview better serve early career researchers? #researchasessment #responsiblemetrics
#peerreview #researchasessment #responsiblemetrics
Finally an #introduction post! I'm an academic librarian in Nottingham, UK with a PhD in Learning Sciences and professional interests in #openresearch #scholcomm #openaccess #responsiblemetrics #discovery #persistentidentifiers. My profile links to my ORCID publication record.
When I'm not hustling to make information open and accessible, I spend time watching #kdrama #anime and reality TV, playing #PokemonGo :team_mystic: and #AnimalCrossing and accruing language skills.
#animalcrossing #pokemongo #anime #kdrama #persistentidentifiers #discovery #responsiblemetrics #openaccess #scholcomm #openresearch #introduction