"Despite a huge misconception in the trans community to the contrary, it turns out you don’t need a Gender Recognition Certificate in order to be gendered correctly on your death certificate. What’s more, if you know someone who has been misgendered on their death certificate - you can apply to correct it. In this article, I explain this process, and also discuss its limitations compared to the Gender Recognition Certificate, and explain why a better alternative to a GRC is to remove legal sex markers entirely. "
#HerNameIsBrianna #RestInPride #GenderRecognitionCertificate #trans
#hernameisbrianna #restinpride #genderrecognitioncertificate #trans
Petition to Amend the Gender Recognition Act to allow for posthumous and expedited grants https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/633194
#dignityforbrianna #restinpride #gra
"It's just a game. I just don't get why you're all so upset about it."
Yeah. Just a game. I mean, it has nothing to do with the fact that #JKRowling the creator of the universe the game is based on is a fuckin radical #TERF #Transphobe.
[Comic source: https://twitter.com/AssignedMale/status/1626660033541861377 ]
[News source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-64684521 ]
#jkrowling #terf #transphobe #restinpride #briannaghey
I've only just learned about this GFM for the family of Brianna Ghey, a 16 year old #Trans girl murdered in Warrington. Here's the link if you want to donate:
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #RestInPride #UK
#UK #restinpride #transrightsarehumanrights #trans
@hollybrigstocke @tillybridges
A #leavening voice. Thank you. It's too easy to make these vile acts into a #shitstorm of hate within the currently effected #communities. This whole issue revisited hate crimes of the 70s and 80s and arguing over words among the #effected groups papers the walls of the #conservative dog fucking #crustian right in all our #countries.
Fuck them. #StandTogether
#leavening #shitstorm #communities #effected #conservative #crustian #countries #standtogether #blm #restinpride