@robert I'm trying to make #RestonVA a thing.And #HerndonVA etc. Without the VA you get similar named towns elsewhere.
Most Fairfax gov't/community orgs are active on Twitter but not here.
Okay, you need to be 230 feet above sea level to avoid the oceans post-polarcap melt.
#RestonVA - 361 feet now, future: 131 feet
#HerndonVA - Also, 361/131
#DC - 0-400 feet. So still need a topo map to see the new coastline
Dulles 313ft now, future 83 feet
Not clear what is a safe buffer for being above the coastline.
#RestonVA - Restaurant endorsement: MidnighTreats
They are cookies that happen to be vegan. Lots of saturated fat, so eat low fat for the rest of the month to compensate. (I think this is called bad behavior licensing)
Award for bad naming goes to "Temporary Road" in #restonva
Tags to follow if you live in NoVA
**Poorly used tags**
#dc - comics, politics
#washingtondc - political vitriol
#va - also veterans administration
#restonva #fairfaxva #herndonva
With the VA. Otherwise you get a lot of junk.
#loudonva #princewilliamva #arlingtonva
#wmata - sometimes too much customer service rage
I will pin & update as I find better tags. Please suggest others that have a high good content to irrelevant content ratio.
#dc #washingtondc #va #restonva #fairfaxva #herndonva #loudonva #princewilliamva #arlingtonva #wmata
Where's my local runners? Anyhow, these are my favorite races
Depending on the time of the year you can do up to 3 5ks in a weekend all within a few miles of #restonva
RT @DCstorms@twitter.com
@ChuckBell4@twitter.com @hbwx@twitter.com @Brian7NewsDC@twitter.com @AlexLiggittWX@twitter.com @capitalweather@twitter.com @weatherchannel@twitter.com @WeatherNation@twitter.com @VJohnson7News@twitter.com Heavy #Snow Squall moves through #RestonVA #VAwx #DCwx