Nämä on jo ennallistettu, mitäs seuraavaksi?
These have already been restored in Finland. Lots of other precious and vulnerable places waiting to be restored before it’s too late.
#ennallistamisasetus #restorenature #restorationlaw
Europe's Restoration Law:
... a core element of the biodiversity strategy for 2030 https://environment.ec.europa.eu/strategy/biodiversity-strategy-2030_en ... which is part of the European Green Deal https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en
#RestoreNature #RestorationLaw #EU #Europe #EcosystemCollapse #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange
#climatechange #globalwarming #ecosystemcollapse #europe #eu #restorationlaw #RestoreNature
Healing #nature will help us all. So why are #MEPs fighting the crucial new #restorationlaw?
Attending a Science-policy session on the EU Nature #RestorationLaw 🇪🇺 organised by the European Research Executive Agency (REA).
🧐We are exploring linking up #GreenDeal projects with the #BiodivRestore projects funded by Biodiversa, to support the national Nature Restoration Plans🎯
#biodivrestore #greendeal #restorationlaw