Bicycling Monterey · @bikemonterey
100 followers · 182 posts · Server

We've asked Health Department & Transportation Agency for County to team up on getting word out to providers in the county that TAMC has free bike racks, lockers & repair stations. Often we've biked to a PT appt, etc. only to find nowhere to lock our bike.

Hartnell Professional Center, Monterey (which houses Hospital of the / & other medical offices) DOES have a bike rack. They also have picnic tables, benches, shade trees. :)

Sadly, many benches have been removed from City of Monterey public spots (e.g., USPS Post Office & Alvarado Street). We mention that—and, in contrast, City of 's revitalized West Broadway, which is loaded with benches, and bike racks—in "Rest Stops: People who bike, walk, or otherwise get about sometimes just need to 'sit a spell.'"

#montereycounty #monterey #healthcare #community #montereypeninsula #chomp #physicaltherapy #seaside #reststops #rest #activetransportation #publichealth #urbanplanning #infrastructure #BikeTooter #cycling #fedibike #BikeMonterey

Last updated 1 year ago