Sad realization of the morning. I'd actually really like my day job if it wasn't constantly being muddled with by corporate assholes two states away who base all their decisions on bar graphs, projections, and what other locations do. #retailhell
“Too many chefs spoil the soup” Well, too many managers screws up the company. No, I am not going to be the proxy you two use to fight. Do it yourself. #retailhell #ManagementIsNotYourFriend
#retailhell #managementisnotyourfriend
#merrychristmas to all who celebrate it, whether sacred or secular.
#merrywhatever to everyone else!
And a big THANK YOU to everyone out there working over the holidays & in this awful weather!
#merrychristmas #merrywhatever #EssentialWorkers #retailhell #serviceindustry
Very annoyed to realise that xmas eve is not a public holiday in vic, anything less than double pay is not worth it. #RetailLife #RetailHell
Very annoyed to realise that xmas eve is not a public holiday in vic, anything less than double pay is not worth it. #RetailLife #RetailHell
Christmas. It's not that I'm not grateful for the business, but lots of the folks that come in this time of year only come in this time of year. I miss the regular customers that come in the rest of the year - the enthusiasts. Is this how priests feel about Christmas, too?
#bookseller #retailwork #retailhell
Christmas. It's not that I'm not grateful for the business, but lots of the folks that come in this time of year only come in this time of year. I miss the regular customers that come in the rest of the year - the enthusiasts. Is this how priests feel about Christmas, too?
#bookseller #retailwork #retailhell
In the early 2000s I was working at a pet store. A lady came in covered in bruises and cuts. She told me she needed to get rid of a chimpanzee and wanted to see if we'd buy it from her.
A. It didn't like women (hence why she was beat up). B. It would throw its poo at most people. C. It had a very special, expensive diet. D. We'd have to build a special cage. E. She wanted at least 5K for it.
So, no. The store owners thought about it for about 8 seconds. Nope.
Working retail during the Xmas season always makes me realize the amount of garbage people buy for absolutely no reason.
Working retail during the Xmas season always makes me realize the amount of garbage people buy for absolutely no reason.
As a retail worker in Canada please don't shop today. The deals are no better, and some actually worse, than they were last week when you came in to just look. #retail #blackfriday #retailhell
#Retail #blackfriday #retailhell
Why is it that when I’m running a register at work and I hit an idle moment, someone come up and says ‘Are you waiting for me?’ Usually it’s an older Boomer generation woman.
I actually tell them no most of the time. Then they act like it’s an offense to them.
Seriously, get your ego in check and leave your sense of privilege at home. I’m not having any of it!
#GenX #retailhell
Stupid is as stupid does.
Customer wanted a refund on a fully 100% consumed bottle of an over the counter medicine because he was not satisfied with how it worked.
Same customer also wanted to buy another bottle of the exact same medicine.
Customer did not understand why I had a problem with this. #RetailHell
This is what they really mean when they say that stuff.
#retail #RetailHell #thanksgiving
#retail #retailhell #thanksgiving