Just finished _Thornhedge_ by @ursulav after starting reading it at lunch. (currently 4:16PM) and doing some actual work... It is another wonderful #FairyTale #retelling This time Sleeping Beauty. It is a bit sad, but sweet. And I want to know what happens NEXT??
What a fun little adventure ! If your middle grader loves mystery story and problem solving, this graphic novel will be the perfect read. And it is really funny too ! I l enjoyed the retelling of Sherlock Holmes and how young Finder solves the case.
#penguinkids #graphicnovel #comicbooks #book #mg #mglit #mgbooks #mgfiction #middlegrade #middlegradebooks #middlegradegraphicnovels #middlegradefiction #bookstodon #littlefreelibrary #bookdrop #mystery #mysteryfiction #mysterybooks #retelling
#penguinkids #graphicnovel #comicbooks #book #mg #mglit #mgbooks #mgfiction #middlegrade #middlegradebooks #middlegradegraphicnovels #middlegradefiction #bookstodon #littlefreelibrary #bookdrop #mystery #mysteryfiction #mysterybooks #retelling
I associate Jon Klassen work with delicious dark humor, originality and beautiful art. The Skull is no different. Retelling of a Tyrolean Folktale, it is the story of an unexpected friendship, a growing experience for Otilla, the young heroine, and a dark gothic tale that will make young readers shiver with excitement and anticipation.
#candlewickpress #jonklassen #retelling #folktale #picturebook #childrensbooks #kidlit #gothic #littlefreelibrary @kidlit @bookstodon #book
#candlewickpress #jonklassen #retelling #folktale #picturebook #childrensbooks #kidlit #gothic #littlefreelibrary #book
Fit for the Gods, is "an anthology of gender-bent, queered, race-bent, and inclusive retellings" of Greek myths. They had a panel discussion last night by 4 of the contributors that got me rushing to read these imaginative stories. You can see the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC3LvfL5R04 and learn more about the book at https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/713621/fit-for-the-gods-by-jenn-northington-and-s-zainab-williams-editors/
#Retelling of the #struggle against #silencingdissent: The enthralling film, From #WoundedKnee to #StandingRock: a Reporter’s Journey, has been screening on local PBS affiliates this year, and it recalls how effective #AIM was in galvanizing U.S. institutions to roll back destructive #ColdWar #policies that exacerbated #Indigenous #poverty, #violence and #incarceration.
#retelling #struggle #silencingdissent #woundedknee #standingrock #aim #coldwar #policies #indigenous #poverty #violence #incarceration #militaryindustrialdomesticeconomy #kleptocracyextravaganza
Wunsch-Adaptionen | Weekly Reading №71
Diese Woche lese ich ein tolles dystopisches Buch und ich stelle euch Buchreihen vor, die ich sehr gerne als Film/TV-Adaptionen sehen möchte. #WeeklyReading
#BloggerAktionen, #Miteinander, #ChristinaHenry, #DarkFantasy, #Retelling
https://theartofreading.de/wunsch-adaptionen-weekly-reading-71/ #Horror, #Dystopie,
#weeklyreading #bloggeraktionen #miteinander #christinahenry #darkfantasy #retelling #horror #dystopie
Sundays in Bed with... The Girl in Red
Zusammen mit drei anderen Leserinnen tauche ich ein in The Girl in Red. Ich bin gespannt, was die dystopische Märchennacherzählung bietet. #SundaysInBedWith
#Horror, #Retelling, #Dystopie, #BloggerAktionen, ##Miteinander, #BuddyRead, #UrbanFantasy, #ChristinaHenry, #FairyTale
#sundaysinbedwith #horror #retelling #dystopie #bloggeraktionen #miteinander #buddyread #urbanfantasy #christinahenry #fairytale
My #BookReview of Creation (Why Odin Drinks #0.5) by Bjørn Larssen for #MythologyMonday
It's an irreverent, humorous #retelling of Odin's first few days of existence. Good for a giggle!
Tha an lèirmheas agam ann an #Gàidhlig agus Beurla. Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig agus ’s e deagh chleachdadh a tha seo!
My review in is #ScottishGaelic and English. I am learning Gaelic and this is good practice!
#BookReview #mythologymonday #retelling #gaidhlig #scottishgaelic
A quotation from Virgil:
I shudder as I tell the tale.
[Horresco réferens]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #horror #memory #recollection #retelling #shudder #trauma #trembling
#quote #quotes #quotation #horror #memory #recollection #retelling #shudder #trauma #trembling
Today's indie author review!
Jay reviews "Twelve" by Joan Marie Verba:
"A well written and clever retelling of the ‘fairy story’ of the dancing princesses. Whoever finds out where and why the princesses dance every night will win the hand of one of them. The story has very detailed worldbuilding... Recommended to any readers who appreciate new ways of looking at our myths and legends."
#Review #BookReview #FairyTale #Fable #Retelling #Bookstodon @Bookstodon
#bookstodon #retelling #fable #fairytale #bookreview #review
Five stars: Arch-Conspirator by Veronica Roth (2023) is a dystopian speculative fiction retelling of Antigone. Antigone's brother is dead, killed while protesting Kreon's rise to power after the deaths of Oedipus and Jocasta.
The #MythologyMonday prompt has me thinking of the ret-constellations (aka retellings) we did in our first #podcast season on the #astronomy and #mythology of the #Zodiac #constellations!
Some of my favorites:
♑ : Pricus's House: what's *really* going on in this genius sea goat's domain -- there must be some reason his kids want to leave him...
♍ : Replace the vague and confusing myths about Virgo with the real life story of Joan of Arc.
♌ : Leo Rising: Savior lioness goddess who saves those in need is killed by jerk "hero," and inspires a revolution.
♒ : Ganymede The God Killer: Ganymede uses his water-bearing job to poison Zeus & exact revenge for Zeus's (many) wrongdoings.
♐ : The centauride Sagittaria leaves her sexist society behind & leads the Amazons
#Virgo #Capricorn #Aquarius #Leo #Saggitarius #mythology #GreekMythology #storytelling #retelling #podcast
#mythologymonday #Podcast #astronomy #mythology #zodiac #constellations #virgo #capricorn #aquarius #leo #saggitarius #greekmythology #storytelling #retelling
The thrashing of Cinderella is about as unfeminist as it gets.
#retelling #Fairytales #feminism #cinderella
The thrashing of Cinderella is about as unfeminist as it gets.
#retelling #Fairytales #feminism #cinderella
¿Sabían que ciertas historias pueden (y quizá deben) volver a contarse? En la actualidad a eso se le llama #retelling, y @raxxie y yo lo trataremos en nuestro programa de hoy. ¡Acompáñennos!
Martes 7/3, 21:30 (CDMX), en vivo:
#Escritura2023 #EscrituraCreativa #literatura #LiteraturaDeImaginación #LiteraturaInfantil #LiteraturaJuvenil #creatividad #narrativa #cuento #novela
#retelling #escritura2023 #escrituracreativa #literatura #literaturadeimaginacion #literaturainfantil #literaturajuvenil #creatividad #narrativa #cuento #novela
@bookstodon Because myths belong to everyone, imaginative works should not be made only by people of the heritage where the stories originate or are set, and I love Claire North, I tried Ithaca. In the first two pages I learn that raiders approach the island from the ocean, an ordinary woman might be expected there to own a cow, and living crabs have orange backs. Greek woman fury incoming. Not sure I can continue reading. #Greece #myth #GreekMythology #retelling #MythsRetold #novels
#greece #myth #greekmythology #retelling #mythsretold #novels
@bookstodon I acknowledge that myths belong to everyone, that imaginative works should not be limited to people of the heritage where the stories originate or are set, and I love Claire North, so I tried Ithaca. In the first two pages I learn that raiders approach the island from the ocean, crabs have orange backs, and an ordinary woman might be expected there to own a cow. Greek woman fury incoming. Not sure I can continue reading. #Greece #myth GreekMyth #retelling #MythsRetold #novel
#greece #myth #retelling #mythsretold #novel
Este finde he leído «La rueca resquebrajada», de Alix E. Harrow, un #retelling feminista de «La bella durmiente» con humor, multiversos y princesas malditas que toman las riendas de su vida. Si os gusta la autora, no os lo podéis perder y, si todavía no habéis leído nada suyo, no sé a qué estás esperando.
Me he reído mucho con la traducción de @Squallido, sobre todo en una escena en que me lo imaginaba viendo la peli de Disney para poner la referencia exacta.
#retelling #booktodon #literaverso #fantasia
Buenos días, bailarines. ¿Hay amor más puro y tierno que el que se tienen Ban y Elaine en "Baila Para Mí" ❤️? Sed felices 📖📚
#literatura #romántica #distopia #retelling #amazonkdp #leyendo #novela #BPM #leyendaarturica #romance #amazonpublishing #newadult #romanceadulto #BailaParaMi #elaineforest #citas #literatura #yoleoRA #yoescriboRA #románticaadulta #romanceadulto #mastobooks #libros
#literatura #romantica #distopia #retelling #amazonkdp #leyendo #novela #BPM #leyendaarturica #romance #amazonpublishing #newadult #romanceadulto #BailaParaMi #elaineforest #citas #yoleoRA #yoescriboRA #romanticaadulta #mastobooks #libros
Este finde he terminado de leer «Lavinia», de Ursula K. Le Guin (trad. de Manuel Mata Álvarez-Santullano) y, por si alguien lo dudaba, me ha encantado. Es un #retelling de la Eneida en el que da vida y protagonismo a un personaje que apenas interviene en la obra original y me ha gustado mucho cómo recrea la vida cotidiana del pueblo latino y la religión prerromana.
En marzo hay adaptación teatral en el Arriaga y tengo muchas ganas de ver cómo ha quedado. 😃
#retelling #booktodon #literaverso