#Tusky #Rethink #Vivaldi #VivaldiSocial
Bei Verwendung von #Rethink kann mit #Tusky #VivaldiSocial erst aufgerufen werden, falls zuvor ein DNS Zugriff stattgefunden hat.
Ich löse dieses Problem dadurch, dass ich zuerst den Privacy Browser starte der dann als erstes die #Mojeek Suchmaschine aufruft.
Dadurch wird logischerweise eine DNS Verbindung aufgebaut. Liegt an #Rethink und nicht an #Tusky
Getestet mit Android 10 und Android 12
#tusky #rethink #vivaldi #vivaldisocial #mojeek
Ich durfte heute auf der #Eurobike sein und habe dort ein paar Fahrräder Probe fahren dürfen. Obwohl wir als Familie schon seit über 3 Jahren ein Lastenrad in ständiger Benutzung haben, so will ich hier als "Geheimtipp" das #Lastenrad von https://rethink-bikes.de/ #rethink erwähnen, dass durch das Konzept und die zahlreichen Anbaumöglichkeiten einen rundum positiven Eindruck hinterlassen hat. @fedibikes
@merj1982 @dc_og_Kiel @toppoint @digitalcourage
Bei mir beginnt es damit, #Android ohne Google-Account zu nutzen. Hauptquelle für Apps ist dann das F-Droid-Repository.
Fragwürdige Apps deinstallieren oder deaktivieren (z.B. den Kram von Google).
Und Netzwerkverkehr kontrollieren... bisher #Blokada, #AdAway angetestet... aktuell schaue ich mir #Rethink an.
#android #blokada #adaway #rethink
Ich spiele gerade mit folgender App herum... als Alternative für #Blokada oder #AdAway...
#Rethink: #DNS + #Firewall (Firewall apps, monitor network activity, block malware, change DNS.)
... erster Eindruck ist durchaus positiv interessant...
#blokada #adaway #rethink #dns #firewall
heise+ | #Rethink: #Firewall und #DNS-Filter verbessert die #Android-Privatsphäre | c't Magazin https://www.heise.de/tests/Rethink-Firewall-und-DNS-Filter-verbessert-die-Android-Privatsphaere-8515081.html #Datenschutz #privacy #Verschlüsselung #encryption #heiseplus
#heiseplus #encryption #verschlusselung #privacy #datenschutz #android #dns #firewall #rethink
Hat jemand Erfahrung mit #rethink dns? Klingt ganz gut.
“There’s no mental health system in our country. In every city in this country, the largest mental health hospital is the jail.” - Davidson County/#Nashville Sheriff Daron Hall. 👉 https://www.wsmv.com/2023/03/25/new-approach-jailing-nashville-provides-second-chances-attracts-national-attention/
#Rethink don’t #DefundThePolice !
More lawn #WateringRestrictions & cloudy #DrinkingWater could be on tap for the #BCLowerMainland in the decades to come if #ExtremeWeather patterns continue to #impact #reservoirs adversely, says a Metro #Vancouver field #hydrologist .
On March 15, Peter Marshall, a #MetroVancouver regional government field hydrologist, presented a #report on how extreme weather has accelerated a #rethink in #water #ResourceManagement
#wateringrestrictions #drinkingwater #bclowermainland #extremeweather #impact #reservoirs #vancouver #hydrologist #metrovancouver #report #rethink #water #resourcemanagement #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #climatechange
#SouthKorea #government has been forced to #rethink a planned rise in working hours after a #backlash from younger people who said the move would destroy their work-life balance and put their #health at risk.
The government had intended to raise the maximum weekly working time to 69 hours after business groups complained that the current cap of 52 hours was making it difficult to meet deadlines.
#southkorea #government #rethink #backlash #health
#twitter was a #SPOF. As useful as it was for distribution of alerts and emergency info, we collectively allowed it to become a potentially deadly single point of failure… we collectively need to #rethink and #diversify our #information #delivery #systems for #PublicSafety
#twitter #spof #rethink #diversify #information #delivery #systems #publicsafety
Paper about Predictive Optimization challenges #legitimacy, presents #flaws, includes case studies. Seems to make us #rethink the #validity of such predictions.
Obviously, #automated decisions re. loans, hiring etc. can have great impacts on people and the #economy.
See Prof. @randomwalker post: https://mastodon.social/@randomwalker/109903444603053793
#princetonuniversity #cs #adm #predictiveoptimzation #prediction #predictive #predictivecrime #ml #forecasting #optimisation #optimization #flaw
#flaw #optimization #optimisation #forecasting #ml #predictivecrime #predictive #prediction #predictiveoptimzation #adm #cs #princetonuniversity #economy #automated #validity #rethink #flaws #legitimacy
If you are an imposter, you won’t get imposter syndrome.
We, the political activists, working for an exploitation free & class less society, and are with revolutionary ideology, but sadly, have either become mechanical or have been subsumed by the existing social, economic, political order.
I am not referring to renegades! #Rethink #Revolution
We, the political activists, working for an exploitation free & class less society, and are with revolutionary ideology, but sadly, have either become mechanical or have been subsumed by the existing social, economic, political order.
I am not referring to renegades! #Rethink #Revolution
#think #rethink #know #knowledge #belief #challenge #question
#think #rethink #know #knowledge #belief #challenge #question
What if geothermal done right could be another side of Renewable Energy ?
RT @Eavor@twitter.com
Eavor Technologies could alter the trajectory of geothermal energy, experts say
#Eavor #Energy #Geothermal #Renewable #EnergyForEavor #GeothermalEnergy #Drilling #EnergyTransition #NextGenerationEnergy #NextGenerationGeothermal #RethinkResearch #Rethink
#eavor #Energy #geothermal #renewable #energyforeavor #geothermalenergy #drilling #energytransition #nextgenerationenergy #nextgenerationgeothermal #rethinkresearch #rethink