every vote for a rethuglican is a vote for school shootings
#shootings #guns #republican #rethuglican #GQP
@georgetakei In 2000, exit polling showed Al Gore winning Florida (which had never been wrong before). Thanks to the #Rethuglican controlled government that outlawed VWB (Voting While Brown), George Bush ended up losing it by any counting means, but the #Rethuglican controlled Government made him the winner.
We can't just say 'You Need To Vote', we have to make sure ALL votes are counted. We need to use the 24th amendment to make sure ALL votes are counted!
truer words have never been spoken by a rethuglican
#georgesantos #GQP #rethuglican
@atrupar #BillClinton was impeached because he may have perjured him in front of a grand jury (not because of #WhiteWater !) , and after a huge #Rethuglican trial by fire in front of all of congress, #HillaryClinton was found guilty of... #Benghazi , #Benghazi , #Benghazi ???
#GeorgeSantos (or whatever your name is), those were #WitchHunts !
#witchhunts #georgesantos #benghazi #hillaryclinton #rethuglican #whitewater #billclinton
The #Rethuglican party uses AI to scare people. View the comments, not one GOPpy .
#kellyanneconway says the #rethuglican party needs to “work ON” young voters. Democrats work WITH young voters. Big effin’ difference and the youth of America isn’t stupid. They’re waiting for the prejudiced dinosaurs to become extinct
Aftershocks from Tennessee Republicans’ fiasco may resonate for years https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/18/tennessee-guns-youth-race/
Appropriate that an unusually long winding line for Immigration Services will most likely be the main witness to today's perp walk #NYC #trumpindictment #Rethuglican
#nyc #trumpindictment #rethuglican
@rbreich We need to send all #ConservaIdiots #Rethuglican voters and politicians a lifetime supply of condoms with a message: Please use these, for we don't want more of you in the world.
@rbreich It takes a #Democrat to solve a #Rethuglican #Republican problem.
#republican #rethuglican #democrat
@rbreich I've said this time and again: It takes a #Democrat to solve a #Republican #Rethuglican problem.
#rethuglican #republican #democrat
@georgetakei Tell him what? That #Rethuglican leaders have oatmeal for brains?
I'm guessing that #Twitter will be a right-wing #Rethuglican cesspool of political ads that lie.
#ElonMusk : Please, Please, Please give me money!!!
#Rethuglican : Sigh! Fine!
#Dumbocrat (who had a few brain cells still firing) : No!
#dumbocrat #ElonMusk #rethuglican #Twitter
@atrupar What prison planet did this #Rethuglican escape from to spew this stupidity? Next thing you know, she will say that the great tRumpkin never declared #Bankruptcy .
This all-too-typical #Rethuglican is a repulsive Fire trUCK!!! (Focus on Capital Letters)
A Very Stupid #Rethuglican wants to outlaw the teaching of Scientific Theory. https://www.mtpr.org/montana-news/2023-02-07/bill-would-ban-the-teaching-of-scientific-theories-in-montana-schools
@rbreich One thing I always say: It takes a #democrat to fix a #rethuglican problem.
@rbreich One thing I always say: It takes a #democrat to fix a #rethuglican problem.
I’d add a few expletives to this article title, but that’s just me. The #GOP have been playing with awful politics. Mean, nasty, and just plain rude behavior is what you get from bullies, and nobody likes a bully. Their “#base” seem to relish in this, but most #Americans find it repulsive. It seems that the latest #Rethuglican lead #Congress is continuing this theme, let’s hope that the majority of the population sees this as the petty behavior it is …
#gop #congress #americans #rethuglican #base