@Neko0001 Avec toi j'apprends des mots japonais tous les jours!
One word a day keeps Alzheimer's away. #RetireePower
@Christo Can you be more specific about OM ? A wikipedia search fails to give a plausible suggestion
@HeathenSays I'm finally learning to use the CWs to densify the timeline. H/t to https://mastodon.online/@emptywheel@mastodon.social
You obviously run your Pachyderm account as a public service, a post aggregator centered on #UKpol . This is a subject I'm following, but not as closely as #USpol. There are only so many hours in a day. I'll explain one day how I got there.
I've noticed that there's a lot of #retirees who are quite active on this site. We retirees have the great advantage that we can speak our mind without harming our career.
So I'd like to propose the #hashtag #RetireePower
#retirees #retireepower #hashtag