They won’t fear it until they feel it.
They won’t understand it until they live it.
You would have thought COVID lockdown would have made @CityofEdmonton councillors understand Lucy’s 😞life
But here we are at the end of 2022 and Lucy is still🔒up isolated and lonely in captivity
#retireLucy #life4Lucy #Sanctuaryheals #GetLucywell2travel2sanctuary
#getlucywell2travel2sanctuary #sanctuaryheals #life4lucy #retirelucy
Family is vital for our physical and mental wellbeing.
So why does this not apply to 🐘#Lucy.
@CityofEdmonton @AmarjeetSohiYEG
#Leap4Lucy #RetireLucy
#retirementplanning #SanctuaryHeals
#getlucywell2go2sanctuary #sanctuaryheals #retirementplanning #retirelucy #leap4lucy #lucy
It seems so hard to comprehend why anyone would want to keep a Asian born 🐘 in freezing Edmonton 🇨🇦
It’s -32 today in Edmonton with a wind chill of - 41.
Please take a moment and think of Lucy and let’s hope her barn furnace doesn’t go out overnight again in this 🥶
If you want to support Lucy to get well and travel to sanctuary, please sign and share her petition.
#Leap4Lucy #Lucy #GetLucywell2travel2sanctuary
#retirelucy #getlucywell2travel2sanctuary #lucy #leap4lucy