Retiring early may seem like a pipe dream, but it's possible with the right plan and mindset.💡🌟
Start by defining your 'why' - why do you want to retire early, and what will you do with your time? Then, focus on saving aggressively, investing wisely, and living below your means.
#RetirementGoals #FinancialFreedom #InvestingTips #SavingsHacks
#retirementgoals #financialfreedom #investingtips #savingshacks
If I had a million dollars. #OfficeSpace #millionaire #MovieScenes #lifegoals #retirementgoals
#millionaire #moviescenes #lifegoals #retirementgoals #officespace
One of these years, I'm going to take a trip to Maine or Connecticut, find a place to park myself a mile or two from the ocean, and have nothing but cheap, exotic seafood or the catch of the day for every meal.
And then maybe go back to San Francisco and do the same thing from the other ocean.
#retirementgoals #ineedasabbatcal
Up a little earlier than usual this morning…realizing that year 1 of retirement is winding down, and my goal to “get a little better” on a few of these is largely unrealized 🤔
Too early to start thinking NYE resolutions? 😆
#guitar #ukulele #cuatro #mandolin #strumstick #marxophone #melodion #FirstWorldProblems #retirementgoals
#guitar #ukulele #cuatro #mandolin #strumstick #marxophone #melodion #firstworldproblems #retirementgoals
#Newport beach in #Oregon. Where the #sea meets the sky. #retirementgoals
#newport #oregon #sea #retirementgoals
When you’re retired, you’ve got time - we didn’t #cruise when we were still working- but now we realize we can move comfortably between continents as opposed to loooooong flights. Soon we board a 22 night #cruise from #Bari to #BuenosAires Will be a good way to relax and recharge after 6 months of moving every couple weeks.
Still getting the hang of our travel style. What’s yours?
#retired #retirementgoals #travel #adventureswithsweettart #nomadlife
#nomadlife #adventureswithsweettart #Travel #retirementgoals #retired #buenosaires #bari #cruise