Quand tu as trop pris au pied de la lettre l'expression "draguer les petites poulettes"
#retirezmoiphotoshop #lesfatalspicsart #rugbyworldcup
Quand il est vraiment temps de faire la vaisselle
#retirezmoiphotoshop #lesfatalpicsart #rugbyworldcup
🎶Day-o, day-o
Daylight come and we want go home
Day, is a day, is a day, is a day, is a day, is a day-o
Daylight come and we want go home...🎶
#retirezmoiphotoshop #lesfatalpicsart #rugbyworldcup
Le Glaude François
#retirezmoiphotoshop #lesfatalspicsart
a une chanteuse qui chantait "No no no" Je crois que c'était Amy Farrah Fowler Whinehouse #RetirezMoiPhotoshop #LesFatalsPicsart
#retirezmoiphotoshop #lesfatalspicsart
Un super match et à la fin, Daniel bat Lavoine #LesFatalsPicsart #RetirezMoiPhotoshop
#lesfatalspicsart #retirezmoiphotoshop
Non non non m'sieurs-dames ! Il ne faut pas mettre de chat roux devant Leboeuf !
Comme un parfum de M...
#UneCommeLeJDD #BringBackTheBird 🐦
#unecommelejdd #bringbackthebird #retirezmoiphotoshop
RT @Leust_in_Trans
Ménines Black
#jeudemots #jeudemotpourri #RetirezMoiPhotoshop #photoshopedit #HumourDeMerde #calembour #montage #absurde #BadPun #detournement #mib #meninblack #velasquez
@MenInBlack @museodelprado
#detournement #retirezmoiphotoshop #photoshopedit #humourdemerde #calembour #jeudemots #jeudemotpourri #montage #absurde #badpun #mib #meninblack #velasquez
RT @Snaeffelsjokull@twitter.com
How it started / How it ends…🥰
#Qatar2022 #FRAPOL #Giroud #Mbappe #RetirezMoiPhotoshop #Reface https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1599504699509481473
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Snaeffelsjokull/status/1599504699509481473
#qatar2022 #FRAPOL #giroud #mbappe #retirezmoiphotoshop #Reface
omg 🤣🤣🤣
RT @Snaeffelsjokull@twitter.com
How it started / How it ends…🥰
#Qatar2022 #FRAPOL #Giroud #Mbappe #RetirezMoiPhotoshop #Reface https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1599504699509481473
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Snaeffelsjokull/status/1599504699509481473
#qatar2022 #frapol #giroud #mbappe #retirezmoiphotoshop #reface
RT @Snaeffelsjokull@twitter.com
How it started / How it ends…🥰
#Qatar2022 #FRAPOL #Giroud #Mbappe #RetirezMoiPhotoshop #Reface https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1599504699509481473
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Snaeffelsjokull/status/1599504699509481473
#qatar2022 #frapol #giroud #mbappe #retirezmoiphotoshop #reface
RT @Abdokro
#TheNannyNamedFran #retirezmoiphotoshop
RT @AdrienJussak@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AdrienJussak/status/990677454309265408
RT @Smartiiins@twitter.com
On vient de recevoir les cartes de vœux du Minist'Hair de l'Intérieur !
"2021, parce que je le Beauvau bien !"
#LissageGate #RetirezMoiPhotoshop
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Smartiiins/status/1346160389227229186
#LissageGate #retirezmoiphotoshop