Return to Seoul
Drama by Davy Chou, France a. o., 2022
A sensitive and lyrical film about identity and an almost forgotten chapter of recent South Korean history.
Freddie, in her mid-twenties, grew up in France. She travels to South Korea, the country where she was born and later adopted.
#ReturnToSeoul #RetourĂ SĂ©oul #Drama #DavyChou #ParkJiMin #Film #Filmfan #FilmReview #Filmastodon #Movies #Cinema
#returntoseoul #retouraseoul #drama #davychou #parkjimin #film #filmfan #filmreview #filmastodon #movies #cinema
Allez voir le film « Retour à Séoul »!
Il parle de l’abandon, de l’adoption, des différences culturelles, de l’amitié. D’un retour qui en fait est une avancée. #retouraseoul