Stated hypothesis include...
1. students may not know what effective strategies are
2. students may not know how to implement the effective strategies
3. perceived cost may outweigh perceived benefit
Wang, L., Muenks, K., & Yan, V. (2023). Interventions to Promote Retrieval Practice: Strategy Knowledge Predicts Intent, but Perceived Cost Predicts Usage.
#RetrievalPractice #ScienceEducation #EdResearch #LearningScience
#retrievalpractice #scienceEducation #edresearch #learningscience
This summer I've been reading about interventions to promote the use of effective learning strategies (such as #RetrievalPractice) by university students. None of the educational research papers on this subject ever hypothesize that students just don't have the personal willpower to study--much less study effectively or that their lives are too hectic and they lack the time to study or that they lack time management skills. Instead, stated hypotheses include...
#retrievalpractice #scienceoflearning
"Retrieval Practice Consistently Benefits Student Learning" but how to get students to do it?
#ScienceOfLearning #RetrievalPractice #ScienceEducation #EdResearch #LearningScience
#scienceoflearning #retrievalpractice #scienceEducation #edresearch #learningscience
Transformer l'#apprentissage ne nécessite pas un énorme investissement en temps d'#enseignement. Voici une petite #stratégie qui a un grand impact sur l'apprentissage des élèves - basée sur des décennies de recherche en #sciencescognitives. Dans le jargon scientifique, nous l'appelons "rappel libre".
Source : Retrieval Practice
#retrievalpractice #braindump
#apprentissage #enseignement #strategie #sciencescognitives #retrievalpractice #braindump
Dans ce thread Fabien Maurin nous propose 4 exercices très simples basés sur la pratique de récupération que nous pouvons utiliser pour booster l'#apprentissage de nos élèves.
#Twitter #retrievalpractice
#apprentissage #twitter #retrievalpractice
"Failure is only ever a useful learning experience when built upon a firm foundation of success."
#retrievalpractice #memory #learning #education
#retrievalpractice #memory #learning #education
Our first LTAG newsletter of the year is focusing on Retrieval Practice. The newsletter provides staff with a short insight into the research and benefits of RP and some great tips from on how to implement these into lessons💡 #RetrievalPractice #FortroseLTAG
#fortroseltag #retrievalpractice
In, Powerful Learning Is All About #RetrievalPractice
Kate Jones shares about crucial importance of #RetrievalPractice in the classroom at #rEDAberdeen: retrieving previous learning x3 (minimum) in different spaced out ways is required for learning to be encoded & embedded in long-term memory.
#workingoutwhatworks #redaberdeen #retrievalpractice
Changing digital lanes #blog #csteach #mastodon #readwise #newsblur #retrievalpractice
#retrievalpractice #newsblur #raindrop #readwise #mastodon #csteach #blog
Really useful mention of The Noun Project as a source of icon images in session on #retrievalpractice at #redaberdeen
#redaberdeen #retrievalpractice
👋 Another #introduction in the form of hashtags
🔤 An ABC of what matters to me: 🔤
#zettlekasten #writingcommunity #writing #teaching #teachers #shortstories #sheffield #secondbrain #retrievalpractice #research #reading #politics #poetry #podcast #pkm #pedagogy #notetaking #notebook #literature #learningmastodon #learning #joinaunion #equity #environment #education #digitalgarden #decolonisation #books #amwriting #introduction
@toran @socrates Just completed my Creative Writing (novels) MA at Manchester but I teach English Literature at high school. Interested in buzz word pedagogy like #retrievalpractice and #decolonisation and sharing approaches.
Mastodon seems to thrive on small servers. Really tempted to find out how to start one.
#decolonisation #retrievalpractice
participants who practiced retrieval remembered more on the final test than participants who restudied. And, higher prior knowledge of a topic led to better performance on the final test than lower prior knowledge. #EduTooter #Research #RetrievalPractice #EvidenceBasedTeaching
#evidencebasedteaching #retrievalpractice #Research #edutooter
Quizlet Plus really helps me hold my students to account on their flashcards from class.
They really want to impress with how much retrieval practice they do at home. They are learning so much faster than they did last year. Worth every penny.
#teaching #learning #education #retrievalpractice
#retrievalpractice #education #learning #teaching
Cold Call + Wait Time | Doug Lemov
💡 Increasing participation in the classroom.
Find out more and watch the strategy in action here:
#retrievalpractice #edudon #Education