I hope it at least serves apple cider 😛
My whole Macintosh collection #macintosh #applemacintosh #retrocomputing #retroapple #powerbook145 #powerbook165 #powerbook1400cs #powerbookg3 #ibookg3 #imacg3 #macintoshse #ibookg4
#macintosh #applemacintosh #retrocomputing #retroapple #powerbook145 #powerbook165 #powerbook1400cs #powerbookg3 #ibookg3 #imacg3 #macintoshse #ibookg4
2006 iPod Shuffle
Bad battery
#retrotech #apple #retroapple #ipod #vintageapple #vintageapplecomputer #vintagetech
#vintagetech #vintageapplecomputer #vintageapple #ipod #retroapple #apple #retrotech
You know the Apple ][ is great and all but it was the smallest of the 1977 trinity since you had to buy a monitor for it. The PET was an all-in-one package
#RetroComputing #VintageTechnology #VintageComputer #AppleII #Apple #RetroApple #1970s #VintageComputing #Retro #RetroTech #RetroComputers #RetroHardware #70s
#70s #retrohardware #retrocomputers #retrotech #retro #vintagecomputing #1970s #retroapple #apple #appleii #vintagecomputer #VintageTechnology #retrocomputing
I was 5. It was an Apple II Europa. I think it was a fair ground… something about bubblegum. I knew it was intriguing, but wrought with complication. Paddles up, Sabotage! #retrogame #retroapple #appleII
#appleii #retroapple #retrogame
I just bought this.. The #retrocomputing addition is real.
It will be here in 5 days.. Just couldn't pass it up.
#retrocomputing #apple2c #apple #retroapple
Krazy Ken's video on System Seven.
#retrocomputing #retroapple
Speaking of the Mark Twaine AppleIIGS prototype?
Had a GS+ released with interna hard and floppy drives? It honestly feels like what the GS should have been from the start.
Pity all that ever released were internal prototypes.
Video from Vimeo that I'd copied to my youtube:
#appleiigs #retroapple #retrocomputing
Apologies, but if anyone within the #retroapple community could help here.
Is the IIGS a dead platform developmentally with more attention given to the all in one macs of the time?
Grabbed GSPlus since space and money poor so I can't get an actual GS. I dowant to noodle around beyond the obvious gaming front.
Hm. is there an HTML or Markdown client? I have a dumb idea involving a sort of hypertext story that might have been considered trendy in the early 90's.
#retrocomputing #writing #retroapple
New blog post: Recapping the Apple #PowerBook 160 LCD Display #RetroComputing #RetroApple
#powerbook #retrocomputing #retroapple