Yay! My cover art for #LightFantasy (my latest #retroclone project) is back from the artist!
Now I've got no excuses not to stop procrastinating and organise the #Kickstarter for the game.
#lightfantasy #retroclone #kickstarter
Day 3 of the #RPGaDAY2023 challenge. My first #ttrpg purchase this year was a FASA #StarTrek #retroclone called Vintage Space. It had the IP elements filed off and uses a d20 vs d100.
#RPGaDay2023 Day 3: First RPG Bought (this year) – TardisCaptain's Blog of Holding
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #startrek #retroclone
I've been thinking of running a #megadungeon as a sort of "pick up game" at a FLGS. I would show up every Saturday (or whatever day) and run the dungeon for whoever shows up to play.
What would be a good megadungeon for this sort of thing? Like I said, I'm thinking more of a "funhouse" that may or may not have a deep backstory, but doesn't rely on it. I'm not too picky about what #retroclone it's written for, but I would be using an #osr retroclone for the ruleset.
Playing #BX in 2023
1. Use the rules as you remember them, but use a #RetroClone as a reference.
2. Use random rules from other editions.
3. Add houserules for whatever gimmick (#dice / #cards / #tokens) you've bought.
4. Use 2 or three indy books.
5. Throw in #MosaicStrict modules to taste.
#MOSAICstrict #tokens #cards #dice #retroclone #bx
@LizardSF Yes. Or a #MiddleEarthRolePlaying #RetroClone I guess. A honking big one, too.
#middleearthroleplaying #retroclone
@fdouglaswall @montecook @slyflourish as I understand it this is a must with the #VTT integration. I don’t think it will work though. Between mechanics being ineligible for protection under copyright laws and Oe-3x+5e being under the OGL I think it won’t be long before a #3PP comes up with an #OSR #5e derivative or even a #RetroClone. And of course there are so many retro-clones or derivatives out there that are as good as or better than 5e this may turn into a downfall of DnD
#VTT #3pp #osr #5e #retroclone
Me: Why is there no retro clone of the Alternity RPG? Somebody should make one.
Also Me: Well aren’t you a good looking “somebody”.
I've been checking out Fighting Fantasy Advanced and some of its clones. One clone in particular is really perfect. More on that later. #FightingFantasy #ttrpg #RetroClone
#FightingFantasy #ttrpg #retroclone
Day 1: "Introduce your WIP."
Shroompunk is a D&D #retroclone and/or setting and a subgenre of #gonzo #SwordAndSorcery I'm trying to codify. Shroompunk's characterized by surreal aesthetics, mythical heroes, fairy tale logic, and a deeply cynical view of heroism and nobility.
The Oathbreaker King: A Shroompunk Tale is a novel about brothers Goaquine and Giuvano, destined to betray one another for a crown and a throne that neither of them even want.
#retroclone #gonzo #swordandsorcery
I was actually just making a bunch of grandiose promises about doing that thing-- in another thread.
Imagine a full BECMI/Player's Option clone with fat juicy 5e feats, subclasses, and things like DSP's PF psionics and initiator and akashic/incarnum built right into the heart of the core rules.
This is me, this is how I always put the "baroque" in "broken".
#osr #BECMI #playersoption #retroclone
The BLUEHACK™ is derived from The Black Hack 1st edition, but inspired specifically by the Holmes Basic D&D rules. Like all the games using The Black Hack engine it assumes some familiarity with D&D and similar fantasy roleplaying games, but it is a complete game in just 22 digest-sized pages.
#BLUEHACK #ttrpg #retroclone #theblackhack #DnD
Kuntz, l'autre nom du #jdr http://retroclone.fr/index.php/2016/12/16/interview-robert-j-kuntz/ #retroclone #osr #D&DLegacy #Geek
#jdr #retroclone #osr #d #geek