Punching my own hard sectored floppy disks for my North Star Horizon. #retrocomputing #retrocmp #NorthStarHorizon #floppydisk
#retrocomputing #retrocmp #northstarhorizon #floppydisk
Building a new CRT copper shield for the Kaypro II.
#kaypro #retrocomputing #retrocmp
Replacing the Kaypro 10 hard disk with a MFM emulator (by David Gesswein).
#retrocmp #kaypro #retrocomputing
Just as a reminder: My PC-34 to Shugart-50 8" floppy adapter or how do I connect an 8" floppy disk drive with a DOS floppy controller.
#retrocmp #8inch #floppy #retrocomputing
After deleting everything on Twitter, I want to try Mastodon. So, a lot of information about Kaypro, 8 inch drives and much more I will post here.
My website: https://retrocmp.de or http://kaypro-nls.com/
#kaypro #retrocmp #8inch #retrocomputing