Am I alone in being interested in understanding / reverse engineering #retrocompiting software OTHER THAN games?
If I'm not alone, what stuff would you want to see migrated to maintainable #mos6502 #assembly code, probably #ca65 , and MAYBE ported to the #commanderx16 or the #mega65.
#mega65 #commanderx16 #ca65 #assembly #mos6502 #retrocompiting
Besides #retrocompiting and the occasional #firmware update for a #networking or #iot device, where do you see old school #ftp still being used? Not TFTP, #FTPS, or SCP but true FTP?
#ftps #ftp #iot #networking #firmware #retrocompiting
Shot in the dark: Has anyone ever seen a computing-related print ad from before 2000 that references stealing in any way?
Ideally, something that one might find in a computer store.